OK, so as I mentioned in my last post, I won the meeting with VAMPS! ♥ This (and the concert in Barcelona) was the most amazing experience ever!!! Of course it's Hyde whom I had wanted to see for 6 years so my report will be Hyde-biased... Sorry Kaz! >.<
I was one of the 6 winners in Barcelona (1 winner pair did not show up so there were 10 people in total). When the time came (but we had a half hour delay) staff took us all to the club and told us to stand in line opposite a small table covered with red cloth. J-san explained how the meeting would look like. In the background they played songs from BEAST.
After a while VAMPS came out and the meeting started >.< They read our names and we approached the guys one by one. Before that (when they entered the 'room') they had been standing opposite us for a few moments. Hyde was looking at us with his 'I know you want me' expression and listening to his own songs and seemed happy XD ♥ (however, when people started approaching them, his attitude changed completely XD He became shy and polite XD) Kaz seemed neutral XD I don't remember Kaz's clothes but Hyde was was wearing something similar to this:
http://i899.photobucket.com/albums/ac192/t-rickster/Untitled1-1.png?t=1286983330 I was 5th in the line. I don't remember everything from this meeting cause it was all too quick and I was nervous standing face to face with my Hyde (and Kaz XD) When it was my turn I approached them, bowed and said 'Hajime mashite' (nice to meet you). Then Hyde looked at me, smiled in the sweetest possible way and said 'Hola' (hello in Spanish).
I almost died XD I wanted to say 'Take me! I'm yours!' XD But of course I didn't XD Especially with all those people around and cameraman filming everything XD (yes, I might appear on the official DVD somewhere ^.^) I smiled at him (forgot to reply 'Hola' XD) and told him 'I'm from Poland' and then 'Porando kara kimashita'. I wanted to add that in Poland we say 'Cześć' but I got stressed >.< I also wanted to say how happy I am to see him or that I've always wanted to see him but got too stressed >.<
Afer the 'Hola - I'm from Poland' part there's a BLANK SPACE in my head (I don't remember exactly what was happening XD). Then Hyde said that my Japanese is good! ^.^ I said 'Arigatou gozaimasu!'. Then he signed my CD [it looks like this:
http://img109.imageshack.us/i/plytka.jpg/] Another BLANK SPACE XD Then I remember shaking Hyde's hand. Another BLANK SPACE XD I just hope I shook Kaz's hand *is stressed* Because I do NOT remember it! >.<
Then I (suddenly after ignoring him for a while because of Hyde >.<) looked straight at Kaz and told him (in Japanese) 'Yesterday was your birthday! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!' and gave him a birthday card that I had with me. I guess he was a bit shocked at my sudden movement towards him XD I scared poor Kaz XD When I looked at him he had a weird expression XD Like 'OMG! Who is that scary person?!' *laughs*
J-san started getting impatient (cause I spent more than a minute there I think XD) and I still had to give them my little fanbooks so I did it it rather chaotically and fast XD (like 'I've made fanbooks for Hyde-san! -throwing fanbook at him XD- and Kaz-san!!!' -throwing fanbook at him XD scaring him again XD-). Then I bowed and thanked them again (I think XD) and turned back to the line.
After me my friend approached them. She gave them small Polish flags that I had bought and Hyde started waving his in a very cute manner ^_^ Also, Hyde seemed to like her name (Agnieszka). I guess it was pretty difficult for him to pronounce XD J-san couldn't XD When he was putting us in order he said 'Karolina and ... ... your friend...' XDDDDDDDDDDD
To sum up, although the meeting went pretty fast, it was awesome!!! I am angry that I didn't say all the things I had been planning to say, but I was just too nervous standing like less than 100 cm from VAMPS XD I will never forget this moment! (apart from all the BLANK SPACES I have XD)
Also, Hyde is not as short as I had imagined him to be!!! XD (even though the others say the opposite XD) I guess it's because of the hat XD He looked sexy and cute at the same time. Just like we see him on DVDs, etc.
I will always remember his cute smile and the moment our eyes met *_* [And the moment I looked at Kaz and he got scared XD] I wish all of you to experience something similar! :)
I will describe the concert soon! ♥