Title: Silence (Drabble)
Pairing: MinWook
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Summary: The world stops as he arrives in front of me, right before my eyes.
A/N: I'll be a frustrated writer forever. ;___;
I peer at that direction intensely, scrutinizing the figure which as well throws a stare on me.
Oh, it's Ryeowook. Our eyes meet and I feel a sudden rush of blood to my face.
His smile is subtle yet warm enough to thaw my frozen heart. He gets on his feet as he shoves his hands smoothly in his pockets. He saunters at my direction, still wearing the smile that can heal thousand souls. I feel my throbbing heart, teetering frantically as if it wants to jump out of my chest. The world stops as he arrives in front of me, right before my eyes. We stand in the glow of the evening light. I look at him, he looks at me. No words uttered, no actions done. Just the mere communication of our hearts, shouting "I love yous" and assuring our promises of forever.
"Ryeowook." I break the silence.
The wind blows, sending shivers to my entire body. He doesn't say a word but he still wears the heavenly smile he's been giving me. I feel the perfection of this moment.
"I love you. Be happy." He mouths these words sweetly. And I must admit that his voice is my most favorite melody.
My cellphone rings. I rummage through my sling bag and get it.
Oh, it's Kyuhyun.
"Sungmin! Where in bloody hell are you? Ryeowook was rushed in the hospital, godammit. And Donghae just sent me a message that Ryeowook's in coma now. Hurry back here in the dorm right the fuck now!"
He cuts me off by his fast-paced narration. My hands are shaking as I press the end-call button. I am completely gobsmacked. Tears begin to flow right down my cheeks. I look up and see the form in front of me, still smiling angelically.
"I love you. Be happy." He repeats the very exact words he told me earlier. I spread my arms and wrap around him tightly, but all I feel is the cold breeze.
And in a matter of milliseconds, he vanishes.