As some of you may have heard,
a gamer had his signed Xbox 360 erased by the braindead morons at Microsoft tech support a few weeks back. Microsoft, slow as ever to handle anything that doesn't specifically deal with their poorly-designed piece of shit falling apart at the seams, eventually got around to promising to rectify the problem. As I found out with my battle to get my Xbox Live Arcade games validated on my console after repair service, that "eventually" will likely take four or more months.
However, it seems that Bungie Studios wasn't willing to let one of their fans twist in the wind while Microsoft stuffed its head up its ass and pretended this wasn't an issue. Charging to the rescue like their most famous game character,
Bungie sent the distressed fellow an amazing goodie pack. Here's what the guy gets:
- Legendary Edition Helmet signed by most-if not all-of the studio staff
- Halo 3 Soundtrack (two disc) signed by Marty O’Donnel (with “DO NOT ERASE!” written under his name)
- Bungie Jacket
- Bungie T-Shirt
- Halo 3 Messenger Bag
- Two Halo 3 Limited Edition Wireless Controllers (one covenant, one human)
- Halo 3 Faceplate and Skins for Xbox 360
- Four McFarlane Action Figures (MC, EVA Spartan, Brute Chieftan, Jackal Sniper)
- Halo Actionclix Preview pack (Target exclusive sticker on the front)
- Halo Actionclix Game Pack 4
- Halo 3 Wall Graffix
- Halo 3: Ghosts of Onyx Novel
- Halo Graphic Novel
- Halo 3 Wristband
- Halo 3 Hackeysack
It amazes me just how awesome Bungie is, and how humble they've remained over the years. I can't imagine any other company with that amount of popularity going to such great lengths to help a fan. It would have been very easy for them to say "not our problem" and went on doing whatever it is they're doing at the moment while the scorned gamer wrestles with the single most incompetent customer service department ever assembled in the history of the gaming industry. Instead, they go out of their way to hook this guy up with something that would rock anyone's world.
But where is Microsoft in all this? Where is their attempt to "try to get you something similar, if not even more awesome.” Other than that one statement, Microsoft's been eerily quiet. Why did a software developer even have to step in to begin with? Microsoft should have been doing something within hours of this hitting the blogosphere at the very least. Then again, this is the same company who is completely unwilling to fix DRM issues related to repairs until you badger them for months.
And then people wonder why Microsoft has an amazingly bad reputation?
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