So this is something I wrote the other night. I know it needs work in
some places, or many places. Thats why I need your feed back. Keep in
mind this isn't something I take very seriously, I just wrote it on a
whim at 2:30am. So tell me seriously what you think, I won't be too
Battle Field )
women > woman
bight > bite
give > given
waining > waning
combaters > combatants
bight > bite
also, bloody hot hell rhymes quite well. slap a couple more lines on there and you've got a book on your hands. then youve got blood on your hands. then youve got sand in your pants...
wonderful. good flow and feeling.
i think if you added more viceral elements (colors, sounds, etc) you could up the intensity and reader involvement.
also, structually, it looks like sometimes you are using rhyming couplets and sometimes not. this is fine ofcourse, in this world of free ranging poetry, but me thinks the when and when not of the rhyming should be consistant, otherwise it momentarilly shakes the reader from the dream.
good work, it's a keeper for sure.
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