Mailing Adress to JE artists (from j-asia)

Feb 22, 2009 21:26

INFO from Johnny's asia
- under the Q&A section
(But I'm not sure whether the info & address is updated or not??)

Here is the translation (I'm not good in my chinese, do correct me if there is anything incorrect):

Johnny's TAIWAN事務局會先代收粉絲們的來信,再轉交給藝人本人。但原則上不代收禮物(包括花,金錢或物品)。
- Johnny's Taiwan Office helps fans to send mail to their idols. Pls don't send in present such as flowers, money or gifts.

- We won't be helping fans to send things to concert/stage

若有人寄送匿名信或可能腐壞,變質而無法退回的東西(例如食品等),Johnny's TAIWAN事務局將基於安全考量加以焚毀處理。
- If someone sends things that contain something can't return e.g. food turn rotten, Johnny's Taiwan office will discard it.


- If someone sends money as gift or voucher, instead of discard it, they will transfer it to J-Funds (donate out to the poors etc) as a charity. Would appreciate that all the fans can co-operate with us.

- Addition, will like fans who write the mail in jap lanauage

<來函地址> (Address is)

PARK LANE. 2F, 2-6-10, Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0001, Japan
Johnny's TAIWAN Office

v6, yamapi

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