stolen from
joisbishmyoga (edited by me, since I don't really have a lot of stories that I write)
Inspired by Doctor Who's "Turn Left:" Pick a series and tell me a point in the tale that you'd change. Something tiny (e.g. "and then Fay chose silver glitter instead of gold") or big (e.g. "and then Rose was arrested instead of Jack") and I'll tell you how that one difference would have altered the course of the entire story.
1. Asch/Luke
2. Fakir/Ahiru
3. Soushi/Kazuki
4. Enzan/Netto
5. Tohru/Yuujirou
6. Natori/Natsume
7. Claude/Rena
8. Cloud/Aeris
9. Kagome/Inuyasha
10. Satoshi/Haruka (Ash/May)
11. Sora/Kairi
12. Albel/Sophia
13. Dumbledore/anyone-not-Grindelwald
14. Dias/Rena
15. Ed/Al
16. Kaito/Hakuba
17. Kurama/Neville
1. Why do you dislike #11 so much? (Sora/Kairi)
it's not so much that I dislike it, it's that...well...I like Sora/Riku a lot more, and to me, Kairi seems like the mother-figure that holds them together.
2. Who do you know that ships #13? (Dumbledore/anyone-not-Grindelwald)
...a lot of people, actually. I don't get it. He's at least twice as old as Snape (the person I see him paired with most), he's gay (that leaves McGonnagall out), and I don't even want to touch the Dumbledore/Harry pairing with a ten-foot pole. I also like to think that after being forced to defeat and send his lover to Azkaban, he vowed to never love again. tragic stories TT_TT
3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3? (Soushi/Kazuki)
(spoilers!) Soushi doesn't DIE.
4. What is your favorite moment for #1? (Asch/Luke)
the endgame TToTT so sad and fluffy and WHY'D IT HAVE TO HAPPEN (...yet it's still my favorite part)
5. How long have you been following couple #6? (Natori/Natsume)
...ever since Natori showed up in the series. (what was that, episode 9 of the first series?)
6. What's the story with #8? What made you stop caring? (Cloud/Aeris)
I blame this fully on fandom. Back when Cloud/Aeris was still a viable couple (before Zack came into the picture), I was all for it. And then I found doujinshi. Namely, Cloud/Sephiroth doujinshi. And fanfics. And they were good (well, some of them were. there were plenty of badfic that I stayed far away from).
And then Crisis Core basically obliterated the Cloud/Aeris pairing.
The End.
7. Which ship do you prefer--#2 or #4? (Fakir/Ahiru or Enzan/Netto)
you may notice that Fakir/Ahiru is the only het pairing on my good list XD; and I do find the pairing cute.
but I'd have to go with Enzan/Netto. It's just...I dunno. I like it more, I guess.
8. You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12. (Satoshi/Haruka or Albel/Sophia)
Albel/Sophia wins, hands down. I will, on occasion, find a Satoshi/Haruka fic good...if it's saturated in plot. Which is very rare, considering how many fics with that pairing...AREN'T.
but Albel/Sophia....I dislike Sophia. the only thing she is good for is out-of-battle healing. she's annoying, whiny, clingy, and seems to be going through the story for Fayt. I'm pretty sure that Albel is just barely managing to refrain himself from killing her, partially 'cause she's needed, and partially because she has her small bouts of responsibility that would make him tolerate her, no more.
9. What interests you about #17? (Kurama/Neville)
...this blame lies solely with
joisbishmyoga and her Best Defense/Good Offense fics. and that one meme where she actually wrote them.
10. When did you stop liking #7? (Claude/Rena)
...this one's harder to track down. I still think the pairing is fine (since it is canon, after all, and I do support canon pairings), some point, I just began to like Dias/Claude more. I blame my re-reading of
maiji's If...Then.
11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the series? (Kagome/Inuyasha)
...A little. I don't know. I'll go back into the fandom every once in a while, but the series is over and...yeah. I've moved on to better things.
12. What's a song that reminds you of #5? (Tohru/Yuujirou)
Somebody Told Me by The Killers. I think the lyrics totally fit. (although they fit Mikoto/Megumi just as well)
13. Which of these ships do you love the most right now?
theyr'e just so cute, it's very nearly canon (Natori asked Natsume to live with him fer cryin' out loud),'s just so cute! they're so alike!
I just lament the fact that there's hardly any fics of them.
14. Which do you dislike the most?
the story goes that Dias adopted Rena as a little sister after his own died...although I like to think that it was Rena who adopted Dias as an older brother after his li'l sis died. they see each other as nothing more than siblings. so just, NO.
15. If you could have any of these pairings double date, who would they be?
Tohru/Yuujirou and Soushi/Kazuki
...Tohru and Yuujirou have been mistaken for girls in public already, I think to the outsider the date would look more like Soushi/Tohru and Kazuki/Yuujirou.
...which is just hilarious, in my opinion.
the date would be filled with Tohru and Yuujirou getting hit on by other guys ("Why are you hanging out with these losers? We'll show you a better time"), them responding angrily ("We're both GUYS, idiots!"), and Soushi and Kazuki will have probably wandered away, not wanting to deal with the situation.
16. Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if yes. (Fakir/Ahiru)
...they never got a chance. now, I think if every they do kiss, it could only be in the platonic "you're such a cute duckling" way.
17. Did #4 have a happy ending? Do you think one is likely? (Enzan/Netto)
they never really had an 'ending.' Rockman.exe is one of those series that leaves off at the end of a storyline, but the adventures of the characters will always continue. I like to imagine that, yes, they did have their happy ending.
18. What would make you start shipping #14? (Dias/Rena)
Cecille survived the bandit attack. If Dias has a living sister, he would have no need to adopt another, and since Cecille and Rena were friends, I'm sure Cecille would wholly support their relationship.
19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer--#2 or #6? (Fakir/Ahiru or Natori/Natsume)
er, Fakir/Ahiru's pretty canon already. but I'd prefer Natori/Natsume, simply because it must be so.
20. You have the power to decide the fate of #16. What happens to them? (Kaito/Hakuba)
Hakuba finds out the truth, teams up with Kaito, they both find Pandora, and go on a merry adventure to take down the Black Org, along with Conan, Heiji, and Ai. humor, angst, and fluff ensues.
also, I had a birthday 2 weeks ago. just thought y'all should know