... Wufei... is the seme, whilst FUUMA is the uke?
Taken from
Kenosuke-san Hmm. Bored. The exam took too little time to finish, and started too early (Hopefully, I'll get a One). Next class is in two hours. And since I'm in the PC most of the time... there really isn't anything for me to update here. ~_~ I wish they wouldn't close every lunch time. Blah.
Is it just me, or has the weather been really wonky lately? Last Tuesday and Wednesday, I wasn't here in Manila, so I have no idea how the weather was like. So yeah, it was kinda surprising yesterday when it changed from hot to cold to hot so fast. Make up your goddamn mind and keep in between. Yeah... that way, it's all cool. >D
Nyeargh. What will the guys here do if I dl-ed YM and/or MIRC? Blah.
Bows and Arrows
~ Yukitsu