end of july

Jul 28, 2009 16:52

And not much better. B< sigh school. I swear I'll get to everything else when this report is done, which should be tomorrow night.

Meme from fushimiru and greenworldgirl.

Leave me a comment and I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.

1. What is your favorite food?
I... like a lot of things! And dislike them, too. Hrm. I like beef viands, rice desserts, most kinds of pasta, especially if it's pesto. I used to hate burgers, but these days, I've become rather fond of eating them. Ice cream and iced desserts, not so much on cake. Chocolates is always a must. I can eat tofu every day provided that they are fried and not steamed.

2. How did you get into rping?
When was it... when I was about fourteen, 77ws invited me over for a Hunter x Hunter based RP over on Yahoo!Groups. I joined it, but that didn't go very far unfortunately, so I took my character (lol Tsuki) elsewhere and got around from there. I've always been in games that required original characters, and it's only lately that I've played in panfandom games.

3. Plaid pants or blue hair. You must appear in public with one of them. Which is it?
Plaid pants. : [ I like plaid. Also, it is easier to just strip off, compared to blue hair. /boring and practical answer

4. Do you ever wear high heels?
Nope! Well, very rarely. My highest heels is that of my boots, which is a little less than two inches. I'm fairly tall for my generation, so it's not like I need to. Also, I tend to just have one or two pairs of shoes, one of them I will wear at least six days a week if able. Heels would not be practical.

5. What would you do if I sent you underpants in the mail?
Wear it on my head and take a picture so I can show you. : [

1. Where did the name Yukeh originate from?
... You're asking Yukeh, right? Not Yukitsu? Well! Yukeh is Yukitsu + Uke. :D When I was sixteen to maybe when I was eighteen, I was very, very, very bottom. Like bottom to the point of being a goddamn doormat kind of bottom. Extreme type B! No spine at all! I think it was izkariote's brother who called me Yukeh-uke or something. And Keh. It stuck? Someone was Sammie-seme.

2. How did you start working at your job?
hahaha, I got pirated or something, idk. I was working as an SEO writer when my current company, Headstrong Philippines, called me up for an interview. I got in eventually and they sent me to the Asian Development Bank, their client, as a writer. That was March 2008, I've been here since.

3. Favorite animal?
Penguin! Well, on a more practical level... dogs. I love dogs. Used to live with two dozen of them, but we only have two now. I wish I could take care of them better, but I don't really have much time, and it's already night by the time I get home. Sushi is tied outside my window, though, so sometimes I talk to him.

4. What's a typical day like for you?
Workday? I wake up at 6, get to work between 8am to 9am, slack off and work until between 5pm to 6pm, go home, stay on the computer until I go to sleep. :[ I have a lot of small, routinary rituals, of course (like how I always switch the PC on first when I get home before stripping on the way to my bedroom, and then changing clothes, washing my hands, washing my face, logging my PC in, looking at food), but in general, that's what goes on.

5. What things have you said about me, no really I'm curious as to what anyone would say about me to others :|a

You're a cool kid, sweetie. : >

From fushimiru:

Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!", and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your journal, and explain what they mean to you.

ABEEEEE~~ My forever boy~~ I love him. 8 > And making his life hard, but that's a side... thing. I like his voice and his eyes and his retarded social skills and general kimeee. I don't actually identify with him, but he's my favorite character out of everyone in any series nonetheless.

A wish I update as often as I used to, but I keep on thinking that I just talk about boring things anyway and that no one needs to hear that. But I swear I will try! I think that was July 2006 or something when I had an entry a day for a month. /retarded goals are retarded. Oh, it's five years old now, my LJ, and it's been witness to a lot of my retardedness. : [

I like gay. When I was very young, I wanted to make it into my vocation! ... Maybe I shouldn't be saying things out in public. But anyway, I like slash a lot? If I were to choose between reading gay and reading het, I'd read gay. Likewise, I actually don't like female main characters much, but I don't think that has anything to do with gay. Men just get the action, and I like that. Fortunately, I've gotten past the stage of needing everything to be gay by now. Het and gen are totally nice, too! ;;

Life is good, generally. Good family, good school, good work. I often hate my work, and I'm regretting going in for graduate studies, and my parents keep on bearing down on me about being fat, but life is still good. It could be a lot worse, but it's not and I'm not going to waste it away being envious of others who have easier lives. If I whine, though, it's mostly for catharsis.

I don't remember the taste of crabs anymore. It's been a while since I've had some real, honest to goodness crab that isn't crabsticks. I'm allergic, see. To shrimp and lobster, too, but I can still eat shrimp.

ಥ_ಥ This is the face of someone who wants to sit down and play SMT: Devil Survivor all day. MORNING OF DAY 6! I am so slow.

fandom: devil survivor, grad studies, meme, ds

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