I got bitten by a cat that I had been trying to save from the middle of the road. :'D I think this deserves posting, considering the new heights of idiot that I managed to reach today.
There was an exam today. Application for graduate studies. So I was on the road very early, opting to take a nap in the shuttle to my old university instead of extending my sleep at home. This led to me overshooting from my stop by a good deal, and somehow, I was so groggy that not only did I almost get run over by a cab, but also boarded the wrong jeepney to my uni. I ended up taking a cab there, and then realizing I didn't have any pencils ten minutes before the exam.
And here, we have the cat. While crossing the street back to my university, I saw a juvenile cat wriggling around in the middle of the road while cars and buses tried to avoid it. It couldn't use its hind legs, which I believe were crushed, and it was panicked enough that it just ended up right in the middle instead of anywhere near safety. So while there was a break in traffic, I ran in and grabbed it, and the motherfucking little asshole just bit me!
In retrospect, I should have been more careful, but I panicked at the sight of a bus bearing down on us and grabbed it by the shoulder, thus putting my index finger right where it could sink its teeth on it. Several times. :'D Eight holes on the fat part of my index finger, and I had to pry it off me at that rate. Bleeding and running late, I tossed it in a safe part of the pedestrian walk and ran off to my exam, where I proceeded to bleed all over. orz I did wash it with water, but it hurt like a sonofabitch. D:
It was hard for me to start that exam, though. I was panicking in my head, and all sorts of thoughts like "OH GOD I'M GOING TO DIE AREN'T I? RABIES CAN'T BE CURED, CAN IT? I'M GOING TO LOSE MY MIND AND THEN I'LL DROP DEAD A WEEK FROM NOW, AAA I NEED TO MAKE A WILL---" were going through my head. :'D Buuut I think I did very well in that exam, despite that. The essays were okey.
So I finished my exam, canceled meeting up with Pam and Khursten, called my parents, and they proceeded to scold me in their usual "I can't believe you did something that stupid", dubious tone. XD;;; The only hospital I knew that had rabies shots were way down in the south, so I walked around the area for a bit looking for a nearer one. No luck, so I met up with the folks and they took me to the right one, where they proceeded to make me wait several hours.
And then there was pain. D; God those shots hurt like a fucking sonofabitch. Eight shots in all, three of them with huge ass needles pumping something right under my skin aaaa /dies. Some kids and a few adults were literally screaming through the day, god. I BORE IT LIKE A MAN. My parents kept on laughing at my pain ("SHIT. HOLY SHIT. SHIIIIIIIIIIIIT.") and teasing me about the waste of money.
Dad: "You know, you could have bought a lot of things with 5k."
Dad: "Well, it was an accident."
Me: "...."
Mom: "Pfffffffft, you mean stupidity, right?"
Dad: "AHAHA, yes!"
Dad: "Ah, well, this is pain for your idiocy."
Me: "Aaaaaa my finger!! D:"
Dad: "Hahaha, you can do it!"
Parents: *talking about something expensive*
Me: You were being cheap on 5k shots, what more something like that? /snort
Dad: *pause*
Dad: Well, where have you seen a stray cat cost 5k? You didn't even get the cat!
Mom: HAHAHA---
Dad: Let's look for it tomorrow and run it over for good.
:'D But you know what, even on another day...
I'd still do it. Provided that I was within reach and not in a moving vehicle.
On Monday, birthday and other things picspam!