I joined. orz.
factorielle was very convincing. T^T But my target will probably be around 20 - 25k instead of the full 50k. I mean, I have trouble filling up one thousand words already, let alone manage fifty thousand! But now I can join
izkariote and
kye_kestrel and
So very important: Do you want to be in the Yukeh!Nano filter or not? Say no. I am writing a rather large crossover of the characters from different series. Like a panfandom RP AU only I, uh, am doing it all on my own. BUT IT'S BOUND TO BE FUN?!
Hay, LMC, here's the link of the local
Japanese Karaoke that we go to. This is the smaller room, but there are larger ones and they are all clean! ♥ Spec vids, bb! Drae, shall we sing when you come visit us~?