I have, for the first time in a while, finally managed to clear all my work an hour before my shift ends (I have been finishing them at exactly 4, lately). I think it has something to do with the fact that LJ was down, and the fact that my topics were so wtf and pushed me to work faster in case some of them took more time to finish.
Also, I wasted at least an hour at work sleeping, falling asleep, or generally being sleep-addled. I can't really say that I'm burning out. It's more of-- the anti-allergies I've been taking since my brush with alcohol last Friday (cocktails, lots of it, with Rachel and Alan) has the sleepy side effect. Couple that with my natural inclination to just drop off to lalaland, and, well.
No, I did not disappear from LJ because of Harry Potter 7. I do not have the book, and I do not wish to read it from the PDF. Sooner or later, someone's going to lend it to me-- in the mean time, can you people PLEASE stop spazzing out about it in big, bold, UNCUT letters? And, you know, flooding my F-list with "Omg wtf that was so crappy blahblahblah SPOILERS here nao!"
Don't get me started on people who post spoilers under cuts, but use fecking SPOILER AVATARS anyway. I mean, I don't usually mind spoilers -- I'm known for actively hunting for them, myself, depending on the series, but god.
Also-- What is this shit people are wanking on about LJ's recent breakdown? There was a blackout. LJ had to die for a quarter of a day and got brought back up later than the other SA services.
Get over it,
it's not the end of the world.
some people win.
*naps some moar*