This is one of the most hottest days in my life! Ok. I admit - I had worse, but seriously - that's hell outside.
Thank God my mom is cool and let me stay inside all day.. Well.. Practically all day. Few hours ago she dragged me outside to some kind of park aka. forest with springs. Ok - it is beautiful, kind of chill and bla bla bla, but in this heat, I almost went crazy - ok, I went crazy :D
The good thing is, that I made some new pics. Like this one:
Next thing is, that I cant get "The Invisible wall" out of my head And wright now, when I saw the longest par of this PV at TG official my space, I feel, like I'm going nuts more than before.
Just look at them! I mean - they all are so sexy! And those moves ^^
Now I think, that I needed to say one more thing, but I for got...
Anyway- hugs and kisses ;) :*