[SEQUEL] I don't deserve you...

May 24, 2012 10:10

Title: [SEQUEL]I don’t deserve you...
Author: Yukistrawberry (Yuki)
Pairing: YamaChii, Okajima
Rating: PG 15
Genre: Triangle love, Romance, semi-smut, HE (Happy ending)
Summary: Everything was solved after the ‘fist-to-fist’ incident.

Note: Huwa! Semi smut for the YamaChii couple (Both could be seme or uke) and Happy ending for my poor Yuti! (Since Ryosuke broke his heart in my other fic)

In the JUMP house, the YamaChii couple are currently in their shared room spending their afternoon laying on bed and feeling each other’s presence. Ryosuke had fell into deep sleep as Yuri just watched over him. Yuri’s sight traveled from the beautiful eyelashes, towards the straight nose, and down to the slightly parted lips. Suddenly, the black haired boy has this urge to tease his brown haired lover. The black haired boy gently shifted over towards Ryosuke and lightly pressed his lips on Ryosuke’s.


Yuri ignored the small protest from Ryosuke as he slightly pushed Ryosuke’s jaw. Making his mouth part slightly bigger. Smiling to himself, Yuri slipped his tongue inside as he deepened his originally mischief kiss. Slowly and carefully tasting the fresh and sweet taste inside Ryosuke’s mouth, the brown haired boy slightly felt uncomfortable and slightly struggled. Unconsciously using his tongue to push away the intruder inside his mouth.

Yuri’s left hand slipped down towards the semi hard bulge from the jeans and placed his hand on top. Slowly but firmly rubbing it in circular motion, each time, brushing over the base. Then slipped his hand into the jeans as his fingers traced the tip of the member, pressing on the slit every so often.

Not noticing the hand that is reaching towards his free hand. Yuri screamed as he got flipped over by Ryosuke and now he’s at the bottom. Yuri saw the smirk on Ryosuke’s face as his face suddenly turned into a strawberry.

“Hmm... Attacking me during my sleep now eh?” Ryosuke lowered his head as he licked on Yuri’s sensitive ears. The black haired boy gave a small moan. “Last time you got me in the hospital. Looks like someone failed this time~ You’re mine, my dear uke.” Not letting the younger boy reply, Ryosuke claimed Yuri’s mouth as they went to the bathroom. Soon enough, seductive moans of both spilled the room.

In the basement of the JUMP house, Yuto was there madly playing his drums. Keito was watching him from the door. It seems as if he is releasing his anger and sorrow on the drums. Yuto suddenly stood up as he threw his drumsticks on the floor as he walked towards the door and opened it. Staring coldly at Keito. “I think it’s time you show your face. Okamoto.” Keito lightly shivered as he thought Yuto didn’t know his presence. An electric guitar was thrown to Keito as he caught it, he saw Yuto pick up his drumsticks as he re-sat behind the drumset. “Come jam music with me.” Now, Yuto said in a softer tone. Keito smiled as he walked over as he started his solo. They jammed for quite a while before they played around and now, lying on the wooden floor, panting. Yuto tilted his head as he saw Keito’s side face and slightly gasped.

‘He looks so... hot...’

“Ne, Keito...” Yuto whispered as the guitar boy looked at him in response. “Would you like to heal my heart? With the dissonance of our music?” Keito looked quite shocked as he sat up. Yuto just looked at him as Keito lied back down again. Yuto then sat up in shock as he felt Keito interlocked their hands and fingers. Keito just lied there with his eyes closed, but his lips curved into a smile. Yuto snuggled towards Keito as they slept for the rest of the day.

A/N: Gomen for the small amout of Okajima moments! For I am kinda bias towards YamaChii ;3 But it is YamaChii centric anyways~ Hope you’ve enjoyed! Hsppy belated birthday to Ren Ren Chan!!

yuri chinen, yamachii, yamada ryosuke

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