[FANFIC] Can you take me to the stars? 8

Apr 10, 2012 19:48

Title: Can you take me to the stars?
Author: Yukistrawberry (Yuki)
Pairing: YamaChii (Main), YamaShi (Second Main?), InooDaiChii (Friendship), TakaDai (Slight), Inoobu (Slight)
Rating: PG 13 (Language)
Genre: Romance, Family, Crazy? (yeah. i think im crazy for creating a family all named after flowers and trees ._.)
Summary: How does it feel to be accused of being a prostitute, filthy women, or whatever words you can think of. Having heavy responsibility of 4 brothers and sisters?... including a one year old baby. And in trouble with the richest guy(s) in Japan?
Warning: Girl Chii, b*tchy Shida. Don’t Like, don’t read. Save your insults.

Chap 7- Since when.... did you sneaked into my heart?

This is a story named Since.
Of a boy, who's never gotten love,
He was alone and empty,
alone in the dark, alone in the rain,
until a girl, came to him. And offered her hand.
He looked at the girl, she gave a smile,
Held up his hand and placed it on her palm.

Once again, Yuris smiling face floated into Ryosuke’s mind. Those red cheeks, those sweet smiles. Ryosuke’s lips slightly curved up as he continued writing on his new song. Hikaru, a golden haired boy, who is a ‘sunshine’ type boy. Is Ryosuke’s best friend and drummer in S.T.U.P.I.D. (In case if you forgot, Stupid is Ryosuke’s band). The golden haired boy lightly walked towards the working boy as he looked at the smile that constantly floats upon the face of that pig. “Oi oi Yama chan... Are you sick lately?” Hikaru touched the shorter boys forehead as Ryosuke slapped it away with an annoyed look.

“Don’t touch me you idiot! All my ideas are gone now!!” Ryosuke sighs as he puts down his pen and whacked the drummer boy on his head. “Thanks a lot Hika.”The brown haired boy says in a sarcastic tone.

“Ne Yama chan... I recently notice that... you sometimes smile like a idiot for no reason... Say, are you in L~O~V~E????” Hikaru grinned as he sees Ryosuke’s cheeks go pink. “EH?! HOUNTO?! Who is the lucky girl?? Mirai chan?” Hikaru guessed as the brown haired boy’s eyes fixed on the girl at the door who is holding a tray of snacks.

“Ryosuke~ Hikaru sempai~~” A sweet voice flowed into the two boy’s eardrums. Yuri came into Ryosukes room as Hikaru smirked and pushed the shorter boy to her. “There’s only strawberry jam cookies and milk left in the fridge.. Arioka nii forgot to stock in again~” Yuri smiled as she placed the snacks and milk on the small table.

“Sou?” Ryosuke tried to hide his blush as he drinks the milk. Hikaru smirked as he playfully poked Ryosuke with his drumstick. “Oh erm... Ne Yuri... eto.. I-it.. it....” Yuri looked at the older boy with a confused look as he tried his best to say his sentence and not to make a fool of himself in front of BOTH Hika and Yuri. The gold hair boy bend down as he laughed out loud. Causing Ryosuke to kick him lightly and puff up his already red face.

“IT IS MY BIRTHDAY NEXT SATURDAY! CAN YOU COME TO MY BIRTHDAY PARTY IN THE YAMADA WORLD TRADING CENTER??” Ryosuke panted with a red face as he looked at the shocked face of the girl in front of her. ‘Say yes. Say yes. Say yes. Say yes.’ ← Currently in Ryosuke’s mind.

“Mochiron~~ It is Ryosuke nii’s birthday! How can I miss out??” Yuri smiled. “Maa~ I’ll go to the supermarket to stock up! See you later ne Ryosuke nii!” Yuri waved as she disappeared from the door. Ryosuke sighed in relief as Hikaru had recovered from his laughing and went near the buta. Smirking.

“Yama chan~” Hikaru sang in a very creepy voice. “I’ve come to notice that Chii chan calls you ‘Ryosuke’~ As I remember for my memory, even the closest Mirai calls you ‘Yama chan’~ Is Chii chan the lucky girl???” As soon as Hikaru’s voice trail off, our ichigo prince’s face has already reached to the point where we can fry an egg on his face. “Ahh~ Someone is blushing~~~”

“MOU! URUSAII!!!”Ryosuke threw a pillow towards Hikaru’s face as he dashed into the toilet. Ryosuke took a good look at himself for quite a while when he came to a conclusion that his face is as red as a cooked shrimp. He placed his hand at his chest and inhaled deeply, calming down the racing heart. ‘I... I fell in love with... with Yuri...?’

Hikaru was sitting on the bed, holding some papers when the buta came out from the toilet. “OI! Why are you looking at the lyrics!!” All the heat rushed back up to Ryosuke’s face again as Hikaru looked at him with a smile. Not good. After grabbing the paper from the golden haired boy, Ryosuke hid his face in his pillow as Hikaru just smiled at his friend. “Go on. Laugh at me.”

“Nice lyrics Yama chan~ This is not your style at all~ It is so gentle and filled with L~O~V~E.” Hikaru stuffed a strawberry cookie in his mouth and smiled. “It seems like Chii chan has a great impact on you! But I believe Mrs. Yamada would go bonkers if you told her that you loved Chii chan.”

“Don’t even mention her. She has no right to control my life. What has she done as a mother? Nothing but give us money. She’s far too busy to take a glance at us. Not mentioning about giving us any care or any love at all. And even father... died because of the truth that...” Ryosuke could no longer continue his sentence because Hikaru pulled him into a very tight hug.

“Shh.. It’s okay... It’s okay...” Hikaru whispered as tears started to spill out from Ryosuke’s frame. Sobs were faintly heard as Ryosuke cried like a hurt boy. He gripped on Hikaru’s shirt as small flower patterns are spreading on Hikaru’s sleeve. Hikaru comforted Ryosuke from time to time until the brown haired boy stopped crying. “Gomen ne Yama chan...”

“Iiyo. Daijiobu.” Once again, Ryouske’s confident self is back. He smiled and continued to finish his lyrics. Hikaru looked at the broad lonely back of Ryosuke's as he mentioned nothing more of Mrs. Yamada. Noises were heard as Yuri and her family came back from the supermarket. Ryosuke’s bedroom door burst open and two small figures dashed into Hikaru’s embrace.

“Hikaru nii san! Can you play with us?” Both Reika and Ruka’s eyes gleamed as Hikaru immediately put on a bright smile and was guided into the living room by the two princesses. Yuri was cooking in the kitchen when Hikaru played with the twin sisters. They played until the two was tired and slept on the sofa, then Hikaru went into the kitchen.

“Chii chan, your sisters are sleeping on the sofa~” The golden haired boy informed as he took a bottle of coke from the fridge. “There’ll be a small solo performance of Yama chan tonight, for his new song. You’ll be joining us tonight right?” Hikaru heard a response from Yuri as he sat on the kitchen counter and his face turned serious. “There is something you should know... about Yama chan...” Yuri stopped the work in her hands as she looked at Hikaru with shocked eyes.


Down at the street, a noisy pub was bursting with music. And there on the stage were Hikaru, Yamada and Shida.

“Ladies and Gentlemen! Applaud for our main vocal Yamada, presenting us with his new song- The storybook ‘Since’.” The MC screamed into the mic as the audience once again cheered. Hikaru and Shida went off stage as Ryosuke took a blue electric violin out from his bag. Yuri, who is at a table underneath the stage, applauded as Hikaru and Shida sat at the seat beside her.

Ryosuke took a glance around the audience before he spoke into the mic in front of him. “This song, is dedicated to a special person. The person, whom brought colours to my life.” The brown haired boy stopped his eyes at the table where Yuri and the others were. He took in a deep breath and placed his violin on his shoulder. “Enjoy.”

This is a storybook that named Since.
About a boy, who's never gotten love,
He was alone and empty,
alone in the dark, alone in the rain,
until a girl, came to him. And offered her hand.
He looked at the girl, she gave a smile,
Held up his hand and placed it on her palm.

It’s years since they met,
Now he’s a man, and she’s a lady,
Both in their youthful exciting age.
Everyone knew, except for the two.
The two whom been friends for many years.
Is it just that, or there’s more to it?
Well I’m not quite sure.

One day, she went. Chasing her dream.
Saying good bye as she kissed his cheeks.
He gave a hug, waving at her.
Who knows what he’s thinking?

There was the boy, sitting alone.
Holding the storybook that named Since.
All his mind was, the girl whom he loves with all his heart.
There in the dark, a shadow ran, with a storybook in its hand.
There was the boy, running for his love

There sat the girl, dreaming the boy.
Dreaming the boy, she lift up her head
Put on her scarf, the scarf that he knit,
Walked to the park which where they’ve met.
She gave a gasp, and guess who she sees.
The boy with a storybook in his hand.

He held on her hand, staring at her.
Flipping through ‘Since’,
He confessed his love,
And guess what she said?
And guess what she said.

This storybook ‘Since’.
About a boy, who's never gotten love,
He was alone and empty,
alone in the dark, alone in the rain,
until a girl, came to him. And offered her hand.
He looked at the girl, she gave a smile,
Held up his hand and placed it on her palm.

The storybook ‘Since’.
The storybook ‘Since’.

The song ended as the whole pub applauding. Ryosuke gave his handsome smile and bowed. Suddenly, seeing a rose land on the stage. He picked up the rose and glanced around the pab, seeing that every table has a bottle with a rose in except for Yuri’s table. Yuri was standing up, clapping with a beautiful smile plastered on her face. Mouthing the word ‘beautiful’ to him. The brown haired boy blushed as he jumped down from stage and went for his break. Not knowing a pair of eyes glaring at him in pure jealousy. After a bit of drinking and chatting, The four parted away and went back home.

Ryosuke quietly closes the door as Yuri took off her shoes and tiptoed to her bedroom door, Ryosuke quietly went to the staircase as he heard the girl whispering his name. He looked towards Yuri as she half slipped into her room. Looking at him. “Oyasuminasai, Ryosuke nii~”

“Oyasumi. Yuri”
“Sweet dreams~”
“Sweet dreams to you too...”

Yuri sweetly smiled as she slowly disappeared into the room. Ryosuke smiled and walked back up to his room. Touching his left chest as he gently closes the door of his bedroom door. His heart, as if eaten honey. Filled with the taste of utter happiness and sweetness.

A/N: Konnichiwa~~~ Imma back!! FINALLY WITH THE UPDATE!! Minna san! Please enjoy~~

yuri chinen, yamachii, yamada ryosuke

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