[ONE-SHOT] Of Agent and Criminal

Mar 05, 2012 17:43

Title: Of Agent and Criminal
Author: Yukistrawberry (Yuki)
Pairing: YamaChii (Main), YabuChii (Slight), AriYama (Friendship)
Rating: PG 13 (Just to be safe)
Genre: Violence, forbidden romance
Summary: Sometimes, love is a bitter yet sweet memory that stays in your heart forever...
Notice: Character Death, Girl Chinen.

Ryosuke was looking through the profiles printed about filthy criminals of all sorts to deal with. “Deal” as in kill. It was already late at night when he looked at the memo that his girlfriend send to his office. A knock was heard at his door when Arioka Daiki- His head master/ best friend, came in and handed a file to Ryosuke. “Ne Yama chan, The upper heads are quite disappointed with your performance these few months. They are willing to give you one last chance... I know this is very hard for you... But she is wanted dead...” Arioka patted Ryosukes shoulder as the brown haired boy messes up his hair in frustration.

“Dai chan... I... I understand... Demo...” Ryosukes sentence was cut off due to a officer rushing into their room and reporting the ringing bell of the Jewelry Museum. The two said nothing but pick up their jackets and rushed out of the room.

The ringing sound of the alarm tore through the night sky as the girl, who is sitting by the museum window waited for the police and agents to come. Her beautiful lips lightly touched the huge pink diamond as it curves up. “What will you do this time? Ryosuke...” She picked up her bag as she carefully puts the diamond in amongst the other pearls, ruby, gems. A small noise was heard as the lift opens up, revealing the person whom Yuri had been waiting for. The shadow slowly walked to her as the moon light reveals the handsome face of her lover. Holding a gun towards her.

“Ara ara! How rude! Holding a gun towards your own girlfriend without even greeting me!” Yuri pouted as she walked towards the older boy while lowering his gun. “Missed me Ryosuke?” She hugged the older boys waist as she smelt the perfume on his shirt. Ryosuke kept quiet as he berried his girlfriend in his embrace.

“How can I not miss you my dear? What did you steal this time? Diamonds, gems, rubies?” Ryosuke stroked the beautifully treated black hair as he kiss Yuri on the cheeks. “The upper heads wants you dead... And its my responsibility. ”

“Ryosuke... Why is it always you??” The shorted girl frowned as she played with Ryosukes hair. “Maa, this time, I’ll let you get all the credits ne? I shall leave without my bag of jewelry. Demo, my beautiful body might get bruise and blood all over by Kota sama’s damn whip..” The older boy kissed Yuri on her bandaged arm as he whispers something in her ears. Yuri gave her ‘only-for-Ryosuke-to-see’ smile as she broke the window with Ryosuke’s gun and jumped out. Leaving Ryosuke with her bag of jewels.

“Yama Chan!!” Arioka exclaimed as he sees his best buddy came down with a bag. “Did she escaped again?” Ryosuke just nodded as he shoved the bag into Arioka’s empty hands. “YAMADA RYOSUKE! HOW CAN YOU LET HER GO?!?! I MEAN--- I KNOW SHES YOUR GIRLFRIEND BUT SHE IS ALSO THE TOP CRIMINAL IN JAPAN! SHE IS NEEDED DEAD! YOU---”

“I know, and I will. In the next mission.” Ryosuke coldly says as Arioka gets into the car and they drove back to the office. Later that week, Ryosuke got a notice from Yuri. Saying that Yabu’s next target will be Lady Kitagawa’s rare pearl ring- Silent Moon (Just a random name for the pearl.) They will act on the Kitagawa’s 50th wedding anniversary ball. Luckily, Arioka’s father is a very good friend of Sir Kitagawa. And so, Arioka got an invitation and was allowed to bring Ryosuke with him to the ball. Of course, Ryosuke’s upper head are also going. And this will be the last chance for Ryosuke to kill Yabu and Yuri.

Ryosuke and Arioka stepped on the ship as Sir Kitagawa came and greeted the two. “Oh my! What an honer to have the two most out standing agents here! Please feel free!” Arioka and Ryosuke politely greeted Sir Kitagawa as the brown haired boys eyes fixed on the girl wearing a yellow dress.


The two thought as their eyes met. Yuri’s thoughts were broken with Yabu’s cough. “So what is our plan Yuri?”

“We shall act first. Agents are here. We should get the ring and leave before the agents could even catch us.” Without hesitation, Yuri gave her answer to Yabu.

“Very tactful my lady.” Yabu sipped his champagne as music began to fill the ball room. “Go dance Yuri. I’ll go and prepare the things for later.” Yabu says as he turns around and took his cell phone. At the other side, Ryosuke got permission to have a dance. The two walked towards each other until they were standing in front of each other.

“Do I have the honer to have a dance with you?” Ryosuke bows as he takes Yuri’s hand and kisses it. She giggled as she took hold of Ryosukes hand and puts it around her waist. They said nothing more but dance in circles. “I guess you would leave during the dance and get that ring. This would be our last dance desho?”

“You do know me very well, Ryosuke.” Yuri kissed Ryosuke cheeks as the ships lights suddenly all went out. Ryosuke felt that Yuri’s hand is out of his grip when he shouted for Arioka. The lights are back again when Lady Kitagawa screamed. The ring was no longer at her finger!! The whole room immediately fell into horror and screaming as Ryosuke and Arioka rushed to the deck of the ship and sees the two trying to escape. Ryosuke took out his gun as he shot at Yabu. Instantly, the man is injured and fails to escape from the ship. Arioka immediately captured Yabu, preventing him from escaping anymore.

Another sound was heard as Ryosuke turned his head. A heart breaking sight zoomed into his eyes as tears gush out and his body uncontrollably runs towards the girl in her yellow dress who had collapse on the wooden floor of the deck by a shot from his upper heads. “NO! YURI!!” The brown haired boy immediately knelt down and carried the injured girl in his embrace as his hand covers the wound that is gushing with blood by her chest. “YURI! YURI!” He shook her as Yuri slightly opens her eyes and smiles weakly. Blood, staining on her yellow dress as well as Ryosuke's white tuxedo.

“R-Ryo chan...” Yuri raised her left hand as the older boy catches it and holds it near his chest, crying silently. She wiped his tears and caressed his cheeks and smiles at him. “G-Gomen ne... Ryo chan... For everything... I wish I had more time to spend with you as a normal person, not as a thief or criminal... Just me... The true Yuri Chinen...” Yuri stopped talking as Ryosuke puts his index finger on those used to be bright watery pink lips.

“No.. Don't say such things... You'll survive! You still have time to spend with me! We'll go to somewhere that no one knows about us, settle down and have our own family... Please, don't leave me!” Tears falls on Yuri's cheeks as it rolls down and falls to the floor. Shattering into million pieces. The injured girl shook her head as she again, wipes away the tears handing on the eyelashes of her handsome boyfriend.

“Gomen ne, Ryo chan.. I don't think I would have the chance to be with you and have our very own family... It's too late already... The bullet... I will die sooner or later tonight... If I could choose again, I would have never chosen to be a criminal, a thief...” Yuri coughed out some blood as she struggles to speak again.

“Don't speak any more. You'll be fine, I promise... The police and the ambulance are coming, you'll make it...” Ryosuke pulls the girl closer to his body as he tightens his hug and secures her in his embrace. Whispering in a gentle voice. Yuri said nothing more as she relaxes her head on his shoulder and continue listening to the heart beat that unite with hers. She felt weak as her energy slowly drains from her body and away into the air. She knows she'll be gone soon.

“Ryosuke... Gomen ne, I think I'll leave you soon...” Using her last breath and last energy, she pulls him closer. “Smile for me... So that I can die with the memory.... of your beautiful smile... Onegai?” Hearing her last request, the older boy manages to give his most beautiful smile to Yuri as she whispers at his ears. “No matter this life or the next.. Aisihteru... ” He sees her smile when the last tear fall from her beautiful frame. Her eyelids slowly closes and her hand slips out of his. Landing on the blood stained dress. Forever leaving the man which she loves with her life.

Completely heart broken, Ryosuke hugs her as all his tears falls like a broken necklace and onto the pale cheeks of his already dead lover. Screaming and crying in pain as his mind is overwhelmed with the fact that Yuri is dead. Arioka silently looks at his best friend cry as he wiped away the tear that is falling from his eyes. Small sobbing sounds were heard from the crowd as ladies cry for the lovers on their husbands chest. After a while of staying in the same position. Ryosuke wipes his tears with his blood stained sleeve as he lowers his head and kisses the icy cold lips which used to have the most elegant yet bright smile.

“Aishiteru... Yuri..”

After the incident, Both Ryosuke and Arioka got the highest award for Capturing Yabu and killing Chinen. Arioka got a promotion while Ryosuke decides to retire early from his agent life. He decided to have a new life in Hokkaido. The place, where Yuri is buried with her parents.

Time passes by quickly. It is already been a year since the incident, there he is, standing in front of Yuri and his parents-in-law's grave, holding a bunch of lilies. He knelt down as he started to talk to the photos. “Tou san, Kaa san. Hountoni gomenasai for not being able to protect and save Yuri. Demo ne, Yuri really loves me. During her life time as a criminal, she never doubt me... If I, as a agent.. would betray her one day and kill her for my job. She gave me her full trust. And I apologize for not being able to give her happiness like a normal boyfriend would do... and even died because of my job.” Ryosuke stopped as he spent a moment calming his emotions down. “I want to say that.. Yuri, no matter this life or the next... or any other life... I will always fall in love with you... And this life. I love you, my criminal Yuri, with every bit of my heart.”

Ryosuke puts down a small box on the soil as he places the flowers with it. Leaving the graveyard with the tiny bit of sun-ray from the setting sun. Shinning on the special craving, saying 'Yuri Chinen' on silver ring which is located on his fourth finger.

A/N: I hope I won’t get killed because of making an agnst fic... I am truly sorry for not updating because of my bad mood recently... I’ll try to update as soon as the bad mood leaves! Anyways, I hope you like it! *Puts down tissue box for minna*

johnny kitagawa, yuri chinen, yamachii, yamada ryosuke

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