[FANFIC] No-no to love!

Nov 20, 2011 16:04

Title: No-no to love!
Author: Yukistrawberry (Yuki)
Pairing: YamaChii (Main), TakaChii (slight), NakaChii (slight)
Rating: NC 17
Genre: Romance, agnst
Summary: I don't want to fall in love!!


Chap 11- First Date

It's a beautiful Saturday as the bright sunshine hit the young masters face as it wakes him up. The older boy looks at his clock as he smirks. One more minute before his little maid wakes him up. The older boy quickly closes his eyes as he hears the door opening. Smirking in his heart as he hears the little boy mumble.

"Mou, how can he still sleep when the light hit on his face. Such a sleepy pig... Ryo sama~ wake up now~" Chinen patted the boys shoulder lovingly but no responce shown. Then he remembers something. Chinen crawled on top before leaning in as he whispers "Ryosuke~ Wake up~"

"Mou Yuri, it's Saturday, I don't want to wake up that early..." Ryosuke mumbles as he make the little one lie on this chest while playing with his short glossy hair.

"I know you've already waken up before I came in. Baka. Your acting skills are so bad~" Chinen pinched the older boys chubby cheeks before kissing it.

"Hehe~ Ne, You look so hot in your uniform you know, I want to 'eat' you so badly--- Ittai! I was joking!" Ryosuke rubs his head as he glares at the squirrel on top of him.

"Its only our first offical day. No-no! Ne Ryosuke, Are you free today from work?" Our Chibi sat up as he looks at his master with sparkling eyes.

"I've still got some reports to finish... Why?"
"Lets go on a date~~ Can?"

Seeing the little boys sparkling eyes attack, Ryosuke gave up. "Sure, where do you want to go?" The little boy screamed happily as he bounced off the bed and jumped around the room. "Haha, Mou, answer my question na~"

"I'll meet you by the gate in 10 mins~" The squirrel dashed out of the room in such a happy mode that the older boy would just have to wait and find out.


The two boy are apparently walking on the streets, hands intertwined sweetly. Ryosuke was wearing a disguise since after all he's the boss for the largest company in the world. "Ne Yuri, you still didn't tell me where are we going.."

"Heh? Where are we going? I don't know ne~~" The little boy answered, making the older one gasp in dissapointment.

"What?? You were the one who sugested the date! And you didn't set a place we'll go to?" Chinen laughed as he sees his big boys expresion. The little chibi pinched the boys nose hard before letting it go. "Itte! What was that for?"

"Baka, I purpously made it aimless so that we can strole around ne~ Since you've always been busy and rarely take a step out of the house..." Ryosuke now knows the meaning of this date. He leans down and gives a quick peck on those adorable cheeks. "What was the kiss for?"

"Thank you for being so conciderate and take me away from my stress.. So, where are we heading?" Yamada glances around as Chinen pulled him into a shop (he suppose) named Strawberry Heaven.

"Ka San~ " The little boy called as he walks into the shop. The older boy immediatly glanced around in shock. Then he saw a middle age woman pop her head from the counter.

"Ara ara~ Yuri baby! So is that the famous egoistic strawberry freak Yamada you've been talking about?" The middle aged woman asks as she puts a strawberry cake in the fridge.

"You called me a egoistic strawberry freak?!?!" Ryosuke looked down to his kawai maid in shock.

"You know it's true. Anyways, this is my mother. Chinen Miki. Mom, this is Ryosuke... My... um..." Chinen hesitated between the words "master" and "boyfriend". Seeing this, Yamada decided to butt in.

"Boyfriend. We're on a date today." The older boy pulled the squirrel closer by the waist as he flashed his signature smile at Miki.

"Ah sou~ Dont just stand there! Go grab a seat and I'll bring you some strawberry cakes." Miki smiled as she went into the kitchen. Chinen looked at his boyfriend/Master as Yamada smirks.

"Hai~ Sweet dream cake~ Douzo ne~" Miki bowed as she left the two boys to their date. The little boy blushed as his mother winked at him. Knowing what she's implying.

"Uwa suge!! Ichigo! Ichigo! Ichigo! Zembu Ichigo!!!" The older boys eyes shine as he looks at a table full of strawberry. Strawberry cake, strawberry fruit juice, strawberry pudding, Strawberry sandwitch. The little boy giggled as he drinks the vanilla milkshake while looking at his older boy eat his favourite fruite. Ryosuke is stuffing as many strawberry foods into his mouth as he could; the cheeks puffed up like little pig.

"Umai Umai!! Hountoni Umai! Yuri~ try this! Say ahh~" Ryosuke held out a fork with strawberry cake on as he put it in front of the squirrels face.

"Ah~~ Um! Umai~~" The little boy exclaimed as he eats the sweet dreams cake.

"Desho?! It's so good!! Oba-San~~ Can I buy a whole sweet dream cake?" Yamada exclaimed as he missed a sweet smile of the little boys.

"Sure! Come and pick it up at 6 okay?" Mikis voice sang as the two kids payed for the bill and went out of the shop.


"Umai na~~ I should come to this shop more often~ So where do you want to go next?" Yamada patted his big stomach as he holds Yuris left hand.

"Lets go to an arcade? It's been a long time since I've been there~"

The little boy smiled as he drags his lover to the small arcade he use to go, Yamada ran with him. But Chinen is too excited to see the serious face of Yamadas...

"Hwa!! Ryo chan look! Mr. Teddy bear is so cute and fluffy with the yellow ribbon on his neck!" Chinen squealed as he points to the 1st prize toy. Yamada snapped out of his thinking mode, he looked at the game stall also seeing his squirrels sparkling eyes on the bear.

"Ah sou? Let me try if I can win the game desho?" Yamada payed as he picked up the non-dangerous arrow and aimed for the red spot. A light wind sound flew pass as te arrow land straight on the center. Winning the first price.

"Ryo chan sugoii!!" Chinen clapped his hands as Yamada takes hold of the bear, handing it to his lover. "Arigatou!! Mr. Teddy is so cute!!"

Yamada laughed at his happy squirrel. "I don't get anything for winning it?" Chinen smiled as he tip toe, kissing his childish boy on his cheeks. The older boy held onto Chiis nape as he turns his head and catch the moist lips placed on his cheeks. People who walke passed them whispered something like "Awww, so sweet!" "Such a cute couple!" "The guy is so handsome while the girl is so cute!"

The two shyly stopped as they glance around the crowd beside them. Suddenly, Ryosuke took the yellow ribbon from the bears neck and tied it around Chinens head, making him look more like a girl. "Lets continue our date ne? My cute girlfriend?" they walked hand in hand as the crowd squeal hearing what Yamada said.

"Mou Ryo chan!" Chinen covered his flushed face with his Teddy, making Ryosuke chuckle like mad. "Why did you say girlfriend?! I'm not a girl!"

Chinen stopped walking a he felt Yamada stop him. The older boy held the chibi's chin as he smirks. "You may not be a girl but you're the girl in the relationship." Before the chibi can protest, Ryosuke leaned down and gave him a quick peck in the lips.

"Whatever you say... Ryo chan..." The chibi smiled with his flushed face, making Ryosuke pinch his cheeks playfully for being such an adorable 'girlfriend'. Once again when they walk, Yamadas smile faded away. He keep peeking behind him as the date go on.


"Arigatou Ryo chan~ I had such a fun day! And thank you for bringing me back home~" The two boys are apparently in front of Chinens house, it's already around 9 at night when their date finished. "And the Teddy.." since it's weekends, Chinen is allowed to go home back to his family.

"Iie, thank you for bringing me away from my stress na~ atheory me discover this strawberry sweet dream cake. I'll pick you up tomorrow ne? 9 AM?" Yamada smiled as their hands are still intertwined with each other. Chinen nodded as he was about to turn and walk into the door, he felt that Yamada is still holding onto his hand.

"Good night Ryo chan.." The chibi giggled as he look back at his boyfriend and kiss him on the lips, their tongue lightly press against each other as the two pulled away.

"Good night Yuri. Love you loads" Yamada waved while he watch his beautiful lover with the yellow ribbon on his head walk into the house. After a few seconds Chinen went in. Yamada turns to his cold attitude.

"I know you've been following me. Come out."

A/N: Hello! I'm back on LJ (just a little break)~~~~~~~ Everyone have a nice time? Huhuhuhu~ clift hanger! Only one more chappie till the end x) what will happen ne?!

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

yuri chinen, via ljapp, yamachii, yamada ryosuke

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