[DRABBLE] Magical Hands

Oct 16, 2011 21:45

Title: Magical hands
Author: Yuukigreentea (Yuuki)
Pairing: YamaChii
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Stomach ach!!


Yamada woke up from some noise beside him. He turned on the bed side lamp and checked the squirrel lying beside him. The little boy's face is covered with sweat also in tears. "You okay Chii?" The older boy wiped the tears and hugged the boy lovingly.

"My stomach hurts... Maybe because Yuyan made me eat some raw food in the buffet... It hurts..." Chinen wimpered as he held on Yamadas shoulders.

"Bakaki will sure pay for this. Shh... It won't hurt anymore Kay? I'll get you medicine first." Yamada got up from their bed an headed downstaires and got some medicine with a cup of warm water.

"Gomen ne Ryo chan... Waking you up at such a late time..." Chinen weakly sat up as he ate the medicine.

"Iie, daijiobu, it hurts more to see you suffering." Yamada layed the boy down an lift his shirt up. Placing his warm hand above the slim stomach and massaged it. "It'll help... Close your eyes..."

Yuri smiled as his stomach feels slightly better. "Arigatou Ryo chan... You have a pair of magical hands that heals my sickness..." Slowly, his eyelids felt heavier and closes. The steady rhythem of Chinens breathing tells Yamada that he's already asleep and comfortable. "...magical....hands..... hm...."

Ryosuke pulled down the shirt and wrapped the blanket around the little boy. Lying beside him. "Good night Yuri."

'Your going to die tomorrow Takaki!'


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