[FANFIC] Happily ever after? (3/?)

Jul 10, 2011 09:39

[FANFIC] Happily ever after? (3/?)

Pairing: YamaChii (Main) <---for this chapter, gomen ne~ inoobu pair *whacked
Warning: Inoo is a girl here
Note: For the readers who read Bus of Fate, I decided to stop writing it because of some personal reasons. And so I'm starting on this new chaptered fic to apologize. Gomenasai!

Chap 3- When love and fear sweeps across

The next morning, the little squirrel waits for Ryosukes arrival by his front door. When the watch strikes exactly 7:30, a lamborghini drove in front of Chinens house. The window came down and the beautiful face apperes with a smile.

"Ohayoo Chinen kun!" Ryosuke said as his drier got off the car and opened the door. Meaning Chinen to go in. "Come in~" Ryosuke patted on the empty leather seat next to him and nodded his head. Chinen is totally stunned. He stepped into the car and sat down beside Ryosuke, who always have this attractive smile on his beautiful face....

"Ohayoo Yabu Kun..." Chinen smiled brightly and answered te boy back. Making Ryosuke blush like mad.


It's been half a year already, when Ryosuke and Yuri first met, they have been good friends from the beginning till now. And Chinen really enjoys being with Ryosuke. It is now around summer and the two boys are sitting on the roof top, chatting togather.

Ryosuke cracked on a joke that made Chinen laugh non stop, he carried his stomach and lied on his back; Ryosuke giggled at his friend and lied down too. Facing the squirrel.

After the little squirrel finally stops laughing, he noticed the older boy staring at him. "Ryosuke? You okay?" Chinen asks as his cute question face pops up again.

"Ne... What do you feel about me?" Ryosuke suddenly asks. "As in friend? Good friend?"

"Eh? Erm... Good friend?" Chinen blushed at the question because he likes Ryosuke more than just a friend.

Ryosuke raised his eyebrow and pinches the squirrels cheeks lightly. "Im very good at telling when a person is lying. C'mon, tell me the truth." Ryosuke made a cute pout that made Chii even shyer.

"Eh... Erm... I.... MOU! Tell me what you think about me first!" Chinen smartly avoided to answer the question and turns the spotlight to Ryosuke.

"Promise me you won't freak out or hate me at the end." Ryosuke confidently says as he held out his slim pinky. Chinen nodded and made a pinky promise with him. "You promised me okay, if you break it, I will hate you." Ryosuke warned as he sat up.

"Hai hai wakatta wakatta!" Chinen was about to sit up when Ryosuke leaned in and captured the squirrels lips. Chinen froze and wondered if he should push Ryosuke away or just let it be? At the end, he just let the older boy kiss him.

After a while, Ryosuke pulls away and blushes. "This is how I think about you.... I..." Ryosuke take in a deep breath and gather up all his courage. "I LIKE YOU!" He shouted out with his face red and eyes shut; scared if the squirrel will turn him down.

"Souka?" Chinen flashed on a cute smile. "Can I have proof?" It's obvious that the squirrel is teasing the chubby cheeked boy. Ryosuke fetched out his phone and flipped it open. Showing the squirrel the screen saver. The minute Chinen saw the background of Ryosukes phone, he hid his face between his palms and blushed hardly.

It was the photo of Chinen eating his favourite food with a beautiful smile on his face.

"W-when did you take that?! Delete it!" Chinen tries to take Ryosukes phone but failed since the chubby cheeked boy lifted it high in the air.

"No no no no no, my dear president. This is my phone plus, you didn't answer my question yet. " Ryosuke giggled, it his turn to tease the school president now. "Answer me and I might change it."

"I... I erm..." Chinen found it hard to confess to the older boy since when it comes to love, he know nothing about it. "I... I li-like you too..." Chinen said as he blushed and look on the floor.

"Nani? I can't hear you~" Ryosuke teased as he lift Chinens chin to make the squirrel face him. "Say it again. I can't hear you."

Chinen hates repeating himself twice but for Ryosuke... he grabbed Ryosukes collar and kissed him fully on the lips. Then pulled away. "I said. I-like-you-too!" Ryosuke hugs the squirrel tightly and screams in joy. Chinen giggled at his new boyfriend and hugs him back.


"Jya, I will see you tomorrow ne~" Ryosuke dripped Chii off by the hospital and gave a quick peck on the squirrels lip. "Call me once you reach home kay?"

"Hai~ My fat ichigo prince~" Chinen waved him goodbye and went up the lift to his mothers room. When he opened the door, he doesn't see Daiki but a familiar figure that he last saw when he was 8. His eyes widen and he dropped his school bag.

"Yabu Kota..."

To be continued....

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.


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