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Jul 24, 2007 14:01

I finished the book.

So there it was. The very last of Harry Potter book.
First of all, I'm happy and relieved to say that I liked it. Because my bigger fear of reading DH, rather than HP being over, was...what if I didn't like the book, and/or how it ends???!!! After all those years, being a devoted (and rather crazy) fan of HP, it'd have killed me if the last book was disappointing.

And I was ready for the death of any character, including Harry himself in this book. Though I'd have liked to see our beloved wizard boy having a happy ending, there was no guarantee on that to happen. Also over anything, I'd rather have a satisfying book than a book full of lame reasoning, just so that Harry can survive in the end.

Well, I wasn't disappointed in the book. I liked it.
I felt quite content when I finished the book.

And wow, what a roller-coaster ride that was! Bit of calm moment, then *whooosh!!!* While it was difficult to put the book down in the middle, I HAD to take break here and there, to catch my breath.

And so many heart-wrenching moments. Dobby! Fred! So, so many others!
People were dropping like flies! This was the full-on war, and I braced myself for it, it still hurt. Especially Remus and Tonks...their death was one thing I wasn't happy about the book. I felt JKR killed (yes, killed) Remus just so that he can join the rest of the gang escorting Harry to Voldemort at the end. Remus and Tonks deserved a happy life as much as Harry did.

Snape. I knew he was the most likely one to die in this book.
In a way, I wanted him to die as a misunderstood bastard. And at the same time, I was relieved to see that Harry and the whole wizarding world know the courage and sacrifice he's given. Harry, giving his own son a middle name of "Severus"? That was just the sweetest.

Dumbledore...toward the end of the series, I developed such a dislike and distrust on him. He was cunning, manipulative, so secretive, so selfish, so full of himself. But to see his past like this, actually made me like or accept him a little more. He still is a manipulative bastard though.

See, I try to keep the canon and slash separate, but...while I was reading DH, I kept having feeling of strange deja-vu, especially whenever Snape gets involved. I read something like this...awfully similar...in Cybele's If You Are Prepared. Mind-blocking lesson in book 5 was eerie enough, but in this...Harry & Voldemort's soul-connection plot? That Voldemort lives because his soul's attached to Harry? And that basically both have to die to really end Voldemort's life?
And Snape being the spy for Dumbledore the whole time. That was a popular theory, but Cybele had it from very early on.
And all this time, Snape cared for Harry. At the beginning it was because he was Lily's son. But it was obvious Snape developed the special attachment and feeling for Harry (not slash-way, of course, but,).

The relationship between Snape and Harry in canon and IYAP can kinda over-wrap successfully, because in the canon it was Lily which Snape knew from the childhood and loved. In IYAP it was James, but playing almost exactly the same role. Just mother rather than father, but Harry's parents nonetheless. That's why, even though IYAP was slash and its plot can not possibly work in canon, it did.
I always loved IYAP, but I want to pay a renowned respect to Cybele for having such an amazingly accurate foreseeing of the story. She simply had such a deep and comprehensive understanding of the story and the characters.

"He was probably the bravest man I ever knew."

"Have you grown to care for the boy, after all?"
"For him?"
"After all this time?"

Ladies and gentlemen, snarry is canon.

Yes, few people told me that I misread this with my slash-infected brain. I've already replied to them, but I'll edit my entry here as well...
Here's the copy of one of my replies:

And that makes sense, since Snape isn't a type who'd develop a tender caring feeling to a child, even if it's Lily's. And how he made Harry look him in the eyes at the very last moment...he wanted to see the "Lily's eyes".

But as I mentioned in the above reply, we can still work around that. ^_^


God, I'm rambling. I'm still drunk in the afterglow.
Hooray for Neville. Like his grandma, I'm proud of him.
Luna may be my favorite female character in HP.
God bless Malfoys. They made so many silly mistakes, but goddarn it, we can use more happy family in HP and I don't mind.
Herm and Ron. Well, I KNEW they'll survive and have a happy life anyways. *grin* And Harry & Ginny, well, go on and breed like rabbits. Wizarding world lost lots of people and needs filling. With a Weaseley girl on your side, it won't be hard. ;)

Harry Potter series ain't a "master-piece literature". It isn't.
But it certainly captured the heart of so many.
And such happy (often anxious) years it's given to us all.

Thank you, JKR.
It's been a great ride.
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