Apologies to not posting to DW - it hates me right now. Will repost there when able.

Sep 17, 2013 14:25

Hey everyone. Sorry for the silence again! I actually was working on the aforementioned project, as well as flying all over the GTA for doctors (not literally, but I was tired enough to make it seem like it after). I'm still working on the project - especially since I overestimated my own readership and popularity and was unable to get enough responses in order to get a good sample. It's nobody's fault but mine =3.

So the project will go on with what I have, but at half of the original plan: 5 instead of 10.

Additionally, my vanishing was accidental as well as incidental. Things didn't seem aligned for me over this time gone, so, yeah. Not going into details.

But, who cares?! Today is September 17th! Eleven years have come and gone, and that guy, what's his name, Terry or something, is still around. What's his deal? One would think we're in love or something. Still. And grossly. Still.

Bah! This post sucks. Sorry.

-I saw Nostalgia Critic's review of The Last Airbender. It was perfect. Mostly. But well worth a watch or five.
-Terry and I saw the second season of Korra begin on the weekend. Many squees and intrigue! No spoilers, here, tho!
-I will be writing fanfic VERY SOON, in THREE fandoms: ATLA, ATLOK, and Shadow Raiders (!).

Also, who keeps recommending my old fanfics? Seriously. They all lack sense now - especially since Aang dies at a different age (52) than previously thought (68). Aaaaargh!

Also, please forgive me for not checking on my friends list any further than a few days. Please let me know if I have missed something.

Okay. Post over.... Now.

mystery project requires mystery tag, cartoon: shadow raiders, durrhurr, cartoon: a:lok, scribbling, health, cartoon: a:tla

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