PSA: Helpful and Informative

Sep 11, 2012 17:20

Anyone with IBS should go here:

As most of you know, I have been struggling with my health for over two years following an appendectomy. I've had many diagnoses, but the main one has always been IBS (one associated with post-surgery). It's been overwhelming confirmed, now, and that's what I'm being treated for.

Recently, I've been struggling with several GI doctors over what to eat, as the traditional diets I've been given actually aggravate my condition. And yet it's the only one I've been given. Over two years of frustration, ER visits, humiliation; thousands of dollars spent on useless medicines, procedures, second opinions; struggling very hard with pain medicines and addiction to them, to the point of terror. And now, the mental toll it has all taken on both mind and body.

Honestly, I wanted to give up.

It was only by chance, when I typed in "IBS diet help" that I found the above website. I found the diet described (both normal and flare-up) and followed it for two weeks.

And I felt normal.

Do you know how amazing that is? People who have always felt normal don't realise just how precious that is. I had forgotten what it felt like. Isn't that terrible? To just forget a feeling of normalcy?

It wasn't a miracle cure. Indeed, I was still in pain. But the pain had dropped significantly, to the point of one day that I woke with no pain at all, and actually wept from the joy of it.

And then I went back to my GI, and was told I was doing it wrong, and to go back on the high fibre diet. All of my problems came back from day one, and I stuck with it for a week before I realised that not only was I still in pain, I needed the pain medicine way more while on this diet.

So now I'm back on the website's diet, and I already feel better.

How often does this happen? That a website ends up being more accurate than an actual doctor, one that is actually really well-renowned? I genuinely do not understand it. But I do understand my body. I've learnt how to. I've had to learn, and what I'm doing right now is what it needs.

What this all pans down to is this:

If you are reading this and you have IBS, or perhaps something that sounds like what I've gone through (abdominal pain out of nowhere, constipation, diarrhea, exhaustion, as well as general disrespect from the medical community due to most or all tests coming back normal), please do yourself a huge favour and check out the website above. Save yourself the time and click on it. The woman in charge knows what she's talking about, because she had to deal with the same bullshit that I and perhaps you have for twenty years. I actually emailed the website, and after an email the owner herself began helping me out, and even gave me links and guidance on how to explain this all to my doctor.

I have never experienced anything like that before.

So, seriously. They are not paying me in any way. They are not giving me things or have told me to pass along word or a plug. This is just me, wanting to help you, in hopes that the bullshit I've gone through never happens to you. That's really all it is.

psa, omoni for ibs, health, links

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