My new friend

Jun 05, 2012 14:54

Sorry this has taken so damned long to post!

So, a few weeks ago, I was asked a puzzling question via texting by the one and only angelchan_2004: Wolves or Panda bears? Confused, I chose wolves (although I managed to discover that this was something to do with a gift, which was so sweet I actually teared up). About a week or so later, I received a huge box in the mail. I opened it, and discovered this:

Well, the one on the left - the one on the right was the first one that she gave me. I've named this plushie Grape or Grapes (I can't choose), to go alone with my fox named Carrot.

As you could probably assume, I love Grape(s):

And I love Angel for gifting me with Grape(s) and cheering me up so much <3. You are a wonderful friend!

picspam omg

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