Crimmas 2011

Jan 01, 2012 12:07

So here are the photos I took this year. Sorry they're late! I didn't take as many this year - Crimmas was rather quiet this year. So here we go!

I just noticed that the dates on the photos are January 1st, 2009. I have no idea why, but ignore it.

Crimmas Eve and the kitchen is full.

Terry is waiting patiently in the living room for presents.

Mom's tree! It's spiffy.

The start of Nim's protests.

Nim raging about the change of routine. And perhaps about being photographed.

Somehow, she knew which stocking was hers, and that she was entitled to have it (them - there's two). She was pissed off.

Milo's first Crimmas with us means that he has to dress up like the rest of us! He was very patient, which surprised me.

Terry opening his present from me. He seemed to like it.

Heather and Chaz.


Terry checking out his gifts. I got him two CDs of orchestrated video game music, and the Scott Pilgrim movie CD. He seemed to like it.

Nim enjoying one of her presents by using it as a pillow.

Milo enjoying his.

Nim cuddled up to me on the couch, and I had to have a picture or two of it.

Haleigh saying hello.

Yet another classic picture of Haleigh's face in the camera.

Dad's tree.

James and Simon hanging out.

Haleigh showing me her new toy.

Dad, Shari and Mary.

Sulky Haleigh.

Simon, James and Jen.


Jen for some reason had trouble scratching her lottery tickets at the table, so she went to the floor to do it. That's weird.

Haleigh the couch hog.

Okay, both Jen and I took this picture, because it looks like the reindeer head is trying to eat the bookcase.

Heather and Jen.

Shari and James hiding. You cannot hide from my camera!

Neither can you, Dad!

More Terry, leaning on my leg.

More Jen and Heather.

And that's it! Like I said, the holidays were very quiet this year, which is why the pictures are also quiet. But the holidays were very awesome and I had a ton of fun =3.

And that's it! Like I said, the holidays were very quiet this year, which is why the pictures are also quiet. But the holidays were very awesome and I had a ton of fun =3. Hope I wasn't the only one!

crimmas 2011, milo kneads love, nimue and...

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