
Sep 30, 2011 18:45

It's Friends List Appreciation Week!!!

(Well, for me it is, anyway.)

Because all of you are so awesome and amazing for having to put up with my daily histrionic babbling, I've decided to hold a Friends List Appreciation Week event here on my journal. Please comment with a request for one (or all) of the following:

-Name of a fandom, character and prompt, for a little ficlet written just for you;
-Question that you have been meaning to ask me but keep forgetting;
-Something that you have been meaning to tell me but haven't found the chance;
-A request for a good read, good listen, good show/movie, or good whatever;
-A nice compliment just for you!

There are no limits and no slots. This will be open for everyone on my friends list, for as long as it takes for everyone to participate if they would like! If I am unable to fill the ficlet request, you will be given a chance to make another request.

Okay! Go!

books: young wizards, anime: 12 kingdoms, friends list appreciation, scribbling, cartoon: a:tla

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