
Sep 14, 2011 08:45

I had dreams that I was Lina Inverse, but still going to my high school.

Then I had a dream that sprung from THAT dream that I could fly and that Sookie from Gilmore Girls and I had to save the world (though how was not really disclosed).

And then that dream changed to seeing that Team TGWTG was filming their next collaboration special on the road close to my house (sometimes even on my back lawn [this is also a lawn that does not have a fence, which for some reason is how I usually dream it]). I remember hovering close to NC Doug and hoping he'll see how awesome I am and let me in the movie. I also remember them for some reason removing the garage from my neighbour's house (???) to use as a prop and thinking, "Wow, Maddy's (the neighbour) going to pissed about that."

And then for some reason the dream turned into a Rocky Horror Picture Show performance and I tried to join in but didn't know all the words or dance moves, so I left Sookie behind and flew away angrily (I always have the power to fly in my dreams) to my room with Nim, and then I woke up.

I woke up cold. I don't like that usually, but the cold promised a colder day than usual, so I decided to like it.

That's all I've got. Enjoy the random!

tgwtg, anime/manga: slayers, tv show: gilmore girls

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