lol wut

Mar 29, 2011 15:40

Both customers are male, btw.

Customer A: *makes some crass comment about Canada being good for gay people*
Customer B and myself: ...
Customer A: Sorry, not very politically correct, I know. I believe that God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
Me: *awkwardly* Uh, okay.
Customer B: *with a laugh* Come on, Eve!
Customer A: *laughing*
Customer B: Or is it Steve? Hold on... *pretends to spank Customer A*
Me: *cracking up on B's behalf*

I like it when people deflect other people's stupidity in clever ways. This is one of those times. It's like a verbal slap in the face - and it was done well. Customer B, you're my hero.

EDIT: He came back and kept calling me "Eve", and was being all nice to me. LOLWTF.

job: ink store, lol work, religion

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