
Nov 18, 2010 11:24

Leave a comment saying, "IT'S FUWA FUWA TIME!" and I will give you five words I associate with you. Then post about what they mean to you, along with this, at your journal.

amelia_seyroon gave me the following:

It means a lot to me, because right now, it's the biggest means of expressing myself and sharing my writing with people who share the same love and joy. I love taking known-characters that I love and going on adventures of my own creation with them. I know there's a lot of bad stigma attached to fanfic lately, but I still firmly feel that as long as there is no money being made, there really shouldn't be such a problem.

One of the first animes in a while that Terry and I watched together from start to finish - and one I plan on buying on DVD once both seasons come out together. I found it really hilarious and nicely done, and while the drama got a little carried away at some points, the story was still very absorbing and interesting. I think once I get the feel of the series better I may start to write for it.

Harry Potter:
I remember being adamantly against reading these novels, simply because I hated how much hype they had and how I usually hate things with so much hype. Then on a whim I picked up the first book (my mom's copy and started reading it, and I thought the writing style was funny, so I thought, "hell, why not?" and asked for the first four for Christmas. Since then, I've enjoyed the journey, but stayed the hell away from the fandom, because they scared me. The last book indeed was tragic and sad, but while people call it a poorly-written wank-fest, I honestly can't see it ending another way, you know?

Discovered on a whim by seraphim_rosiel, who wanted to share it with me, I had no idea that it would give birth to a decade-long love-affair of sprawling proportions. I absorbed the anime like a sponge and watched it a thousand times over and over again, wrote fanfiction by the mile and even used Lina's name in many of my screennames and identities (ex. Lina Jade). Now, eleven years and over a hundred thousand words of fanfic later, I still find myself very much in love with the series, though I've opted recently to leave the fandom due to my own personal preference.

Avatar: TLA:
the_flowergirl is responsible for my exposure to this gem of American cartoon success, and I have no means of thanking her enough. Who would have guessed that a show about a group of kids chosen to save the world would have had such an impact on me? I wouldn't. I've written more words for it than for Slayers, and I'm an active thorn in the side of the fandom, much to its frustrated chagrin. I've never had so much fun and so much exasperation than I have had with ATLA, and I wouldn't trade it for the world, not even a year later. =D (And yes, it's only been a year.)


books: harry potter, scribbling, fandom: atla, anime/manga: slayers, cartoon: a:tla, meme, anime: toradora!

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