A Reason for Season Three (Part Three) 2/3

Jul 13, 2010 14:27

So we left off on the way to the party. Well, forget about that for a moment, because of THIS MOTHERFUCKING NIGHTMARE FUEL:


A dick, apparently, for it attacks the message hawk carrying the Black Ribbon of Doom message and wraps it up into a present and lets it fall to the earth below. And right at the feet of even WORSE nightmare fuel:

Only an asshole like this would have such a little prick for a bird.

In any case, this guy (who doesn't have a name yet, so I'll name him Pop-Bloom) reads and destroys the message describing Aang's living status. Apparently he doesn't want anyone else having all the glory. Which means that Aang's future smells like bacon.

At the party:

Guess who takes things literally? That's right, Azula. Chan stated that the party would be from dusk til dawn, so of course Azula ends up on the doorstep at dusk (ironically, she also leaves at dawn - sort of).

Since Azula is horrifically early, no one except Chan, Ruon-Jian, and Ruon-Jian's hair has made it yet. Azula decides that this is the perfect opportunity to try her own version of wooing.

That look does not bode well for Chan.

In one of the most greatest monologues in the history of the show, Azula proceeds to tell Chan just how good he looks by warning that his good looks might sink an artillery ship and kill loads of people.

That's hot, Azula. I'd be in your arms. But Chan? Not so much. Azula finds this annoying and decides that The Conquest of Chan is the goal for the evening. Although why the fuck would she bother is known only to her.

Anyway, Ruon-Jian and his hair are having a private moment:

Apparently, though, Ty Lee is enough to drag him away from such a wonderful partner that is his hair. He tosses her a hello, to which Zuko misinterprets as meant for Mai, with obviously frustrating results.

No girl likes to be accused of liking another guy other than the one she's with, but Zuko's experience with girls hasn't taught him that, since before he really didn't have much competition for Mai's heart. So instead of realising the obvious - that Mai's annoyed replies mean that she doesn't give a shit about Ruon-Jian and that she gives more than one shit about him - his paranoia translates her exasperation as something to worry about.

Now, is this not typical of teenagers? Don't we all remember how stupid we all were when it came to dating in our teens? Mai and Zuko have special circumstances, this much is true, but they're still, all the same, dumb teens in the throes of young passionate love. This is interesting, because I've never seen such a thing involving villains before this show. Showing humanity in the antagonists is not something very common to TV.

Meanwhile, Ty Lee discovers that boys are big and sweaty and like pretty girls, and they get jealous and stupid when they have to share.

So Ty Lee does the only sensible thing:

Honestly, I'd do the same.

This little kerfluffle leads to Azula being an utter bitch. she basically calls Ty Lee a slut (not joking - the words "tease" and "too easy" come up) which results in Ty Lee bursting into tears.

Now, maybe I'm cynic, but was I the only one who thought that Ty Lee's sobs were a little loud? Almost as if she was faking it? If she was faking it, why? To make Azula sorry? Or to make Azula feel like she had won something by bringing her to tears?

In any case, Azula quickly tries to make amends.

This is interesting. How often to we ever see Azula using touch? Only in battle does she ever really touch anyone. This is probably the first time we've seen her touch someone that doesn't involve punching them or filling them with fire or lightning. It sends out a lot of signals - the most glaring being that of her relationship with Ty Lee - and makes us see yet another shred of humanity within her.

So, Azula fesses up, finally; She's actually jealous of Ty Lee. Again, this makes us wonder: what is she jealous of? Is she jealous of Ty Lee's ease with boys - and people in general? Or is she jealous of Ty Lee? Her life? Her personality? That her attention is elsewhere other than upon Azula?

Ty Lee believes that it's about boys, and she suggests some silly ways in order for Azula to correct it. Azula, sensing a challenge, decides to go for it. Which is really fucking hilarious, because I think when anyone thinks of Azula, we hardly ever think of her as someone surrounded by boys.

The funny thing is? Ty Lee suggests for Azula to try it on her first. Now, I'm not really one for having my yuri goggles on tightly, but this whole scene had me adjusting them rather closely to my eyes.


But even with Ty Lee, Azula is made of social fail.

That's pretty fuckin' hot, wouldn't you agree?

Cut to the Emo Twins:

Both are bored and hungry. Mai orders Zuko to be her foodslave. Zuko does this with absolutely no fight whatsoever. I find this whole exchange fucking hilarious and I always will.


The Conquest of Chan continues, only this time Azula has the balls to interrupt a wooing of his own. Chan seems pretty cool with it, though, despite the one left behind becoming a kettle in her rage.

Outside, Azula succeeds in being mindless and boring.

Which of course leads to a look like this:

And now I can't stop laughing at this look. WTF.

Azula declares him strong-looking, which is enough for Chan, really. I'm starting to think that pretty much anything is enough for Chan.

So, this leads to kissing:

Which leads Azula to thinking waaaaaay too far ahead.

Apparently strong arms and great kisses are what warlords are made of for Azula, who in a fit of rulerlust declares them the Greatest Couple Of All Time. After just. One. Kiss.

I think we can all understand Chan's reaction here.

It's interesting, though. It shows that Azula just can't be normal, or at least normal in a way that would please the masses. Her mind is always on conquest, always calculating advantages. She didn't even want Chan because she liked him: she wanted him because she A/ wanted to see if she could get him and B/use him to her advantage if it worked.

(It also sort of allows me to adjust my yuri goggles more firmly on my nose.)

Cut to Food Slave.

Yep, the food that Zuko was sent to get for Mai has been assassinated. Zuko reveals his mood quite bluntly ("That food was for my cranky girlfriend!"), only to discover that while he was gone, his least favourite duo have taken his place.

Cue the second flare of jealousy.

Zuko decides to literally take Ruon-Jian's place - he actually flips him away and stands right where Ruon-Jian was. I know it's in a moment of pissy jealousy, but fuck that was hilariously awesome move. Here, let's show it:


Mai understably wants to know what the hell is Zuko's problem. Zuko instead explodes at Ruon-Jian in a very pigheaded and cavemanish manner, telling him to stay away from Mai. more violence, resulting in more object-assassination.

Also understandably, Mai gets into Zuko's face about it.

She calls him out on his jealousy and possessiveness, and how he's not acting like himself. She is also really, really angry. Mai, shouting? Mai, showing emotion other than boredom? Mai, actually calling Zuko out on his being an asshole? Indeed. Mai is probably one of the few people that does this in the series with skill and without fear or worry. She knows Zuko, and knows when he's taking things too far. Even Mai has her limits, and with this, he's crossed the line.

But, Zuko being Zuko, he's the one that feels wronged.

Now filled not only with doubt and jealousy, he's filled with humiliation, too. Mai is calling him out on his dickishness in front of a myriad of people, and that can really piss a person off, especially when they think they're in the right.

Of course, the inevitable happens.

Mai decides she's had enough of his shit, and she dumps him. But clearly, she's not happy with it.

Zuko doesn't have much time to protest, though, because in the end, he's thrown out.

He accepts it with fury, leaving Mai behind and looking sad.

Why is this meta so LONG. End of Part Two. Hahaha.

cartoon: a:tla, meta!

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