
Jul 05, 2010 14:09

So, here are my thoughts on the Kobo.

It's affordable - $149 before tax isn't so bad, considering that it comes with 100 books installed.

-Comes with 100 free books - all classics.
-Easy to use - no really, it is.
-Small and durable - even without the case the little sucker is tough.
-Easy to look at - no backlighting makes it easy on the eyes, and the screen offers little to no glare.
-Font sizes - you can change accordingly, which is great for my waning eyesight.
-Huge memory.
-You can load your own documents to read on the go.
-There are built-in bookmarks.

-Doesn't come with a charger - it does come with a USB which you can use to charge with your comp, but that gets annoying. I was lucky in that my phone's charger is compatible, but still.
-Battery life is fickle - the battery metre is a fickle little bitch, prone to stating that it's empty when it's not, and full when it needs life. Its claim that one charge is good for two weeks isn't quite as accurate; I would say one week depending on use.
-Some of the classics really suck - not just in terms of the books themselves, but the way they're transcribed onto ebook format is done rather poorly.
-Slow load - I'm an impatient woman, and having to wait more than two minutes to not only get the thing started up but the book I want loaded is a huge pain the ass.
-It doesn't come with a cover - you have to buy them separately, and they're $30!

So in conclusion, while the Kobo is still pretty neat as hell, there is still plenty of room for improvement. I'm a simple woman, and only wanted something small to tuck in my purse in case I found myself bored with nothing to do, and it serves the purpose well, so I find my money well-spent.

oh kobo

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