When I hand in my papers, all I can think about are warm baths and the word relax repeats in my head as I routinely go through the rest of the day. It is rather uneventful, and Koyama and I make plans to go out to eat again tonight.
To: Ryo
I made plans with Kei-chan to eat tonight~ No instant noodles (~’A’)
I will see you when I get
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First...*sighs* so Pi distanced himself from them...I don't know if it's just because of being confused with his feelings but I have a feelings that there is something in the bush! I mean..if he doesn't want to see Kei or have any contact to him...sadly it is like that...but turning away from the others..hmmm I don't know if he just want to go his own way or if there is something going on or if it's because he is confused...
Second: I really liked the Mika-Ryo story...I kind of like her although I'm still critically about look and be nice doesn't mean you're really nice...but I like her so far...because maybe she can help them in her own way ^^
Third: So the...well~ Shiku is back...sure I knew something like this would happen~ argh~ >_> and now Ryo is messed up again...I think they'll love each other enough to stay together but I know too that there'll be a lot more soon~
Ah~ I liked this chapter though... I really like all of your chapters because I really like how you write and put the emotions together that you can almost feel it..everything is well-placed and it just fits and although it's sometimes really sad but I think that is a very good thing because life is just like that...
Reply's hard to say here because your questions are answered in later chapters.
Thank you :D Hearing that makes me really happy <3 And yeah, sadly life isn't always happy. But if it was always happy there would be no such thing as happiness. *is getting too deep lol*
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