Oct 05, 2005 17:08
OMGOSH!!!xDD (you might be hating me for not knowing this sooner but) CLOUD IS SO FRICKIN' HOTTTTTT XDDDDDD so anywayz, today was the 1st day of anime club since this school year and we watched FFX or just FF >_>;;; I WAS SOOO HYPED UPPP!! XD;;; it felt like i was on stimulants!!! lol and the part that scares me is, why don't I have any ANY energy when it comes to school work....wat if WAT IF WHEN I TURN OUT TO BE SOME ANIME FREAK WALKIN' D STREETS IN THE NEAR FUTURE!!!?!?!?!? dot dot dot.....that is so not going to happen...at least i hope............O_O WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HYPERNESS/ WORRYIS SUCH A BAD MIX ( worse one would be with anime music, junk food, and more anime....y did i add this OO also coke! :D ".....") omg...i have a serious problem.........or is any1 else feeling this way? :D sniff i dunt wanna be all alone on thissss scary realizationnnn mm maybe i should try harder on my schooling......BUT I AM! (split personality... ulper hyper....now ===ulber depressed.....THIS IS THE EFFECTS OF ANIMEEEEE ..or just me being unbelievably....inhuman....crazy? insane? i admit...i can b REALLY INSANE :DDDD faints* hmwk and tests......update later......