Oh, boy... another venting...pisses me off.

Aug 25, 2010 00:17

This is just a stupid rant for something I can't really prevent, or stop. But, I don't really...I don't like women who ALWAYS self-pity themselves(people in general who do this...UNLESS you have clinical depression and then you can't really help doing it, or something where you can't help it. But, there is no such thing as the drama queen syndrome, sorry.), and angst all day. And, also find the need to pawn it off on how their women and its hard to be a woman because people judge you, blah blah blah...well, you know what? You shouldn't fucking care what other people think of you, and you shouldn't try to keep deep dark secrets from your partner just because you have some kind of love affair with being "tortured". STOP IT. Your not helping anyone. Your just being a pain in the ass brat. And, you probably know it sometimes too but DO NOTHING ABOUT IT! Quite it. Just man up, be mature. Stop having a love affair with being "different" or "tortured". THIS IS ONLY HURTING YOU AND THE MAN YOU SUPPOSEDLY LOVE! Also...its true. Your not on par or level with him. You would be if you wouldn't blubber all day about stupid shit, and try to FIX it. Be mature. Man up. Don't start pointless drama, be fickle, and not fully get over other exes of yours( while stating you "love" the man your with). Just stop it. Grow up. Shit, I know I am not grown up fully yet, hell...no one is. But, you can stand to better yourself, rather then being a huge drama queen,self-centered, and angsty little brat. Something tells me you know it too. Which makes it a hundred times worse.

j-p, people, love, rants, t

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