Feb 21, 2006 23:16
while i'm waiting for my downloads to finish, going to do another quiz. nobody pays attention to these, but they are worth doing for the sake of it.
Three names you go by:
1) brian
2) bri
3) yukin
Three things you like about yourself:
1) ability to mediate
2) poetic sense/romanticist
3) prefers good food over other luxuries
Three things you hate about yourself:
1) inner conflict
2) acne
3) running away
Three parts of your heritage:
1) chinese
2) 97hk-immigrated child
3) canadian
Three things you are afraid of:
1) making incorrect decisions
2) purposelessness
3) abandonment
Three of your everyday essentials:
1) interaction
2) water/tea/coffee/pop
3) music
Three things you are wearing right now:
1) t-shirt
2) shorts
3) underwear
Three of your current favourite bands/artists:
1) michael wong
2) hacken lee
3) jordan chan
Three of your current favourite songs:
1) hacken lee - woman before marriage
2) jordan chan - ghost
3) jordan chan - lascivious
Three things you want to accomplish in the next 12 months:
1) higher gpa
2) gain job experience
3) more time for God
Three things you want in a relationship:
1) tolerance
2) communication
3) affection
Two truths and one lie:
1) i like you
2) i hate you
3) i am indifferent
Three attractive, physical things about the opposite sex:
1) breasts (i'm just saying what every guy doesn't dare to say)
2) butt (^ ditto)
3) face
Three things you just can't do:
1) sit still on an uncomfortable chair for long periods of time
2) math
3) progressive work
Three of your favorite hobbies:
1) talking to friends
2) watching movies, series, anime etc.
3) listening to music
Three things you want to do right now:
1) closure
2) where are all the seeders?
3) bang my head against the table
Three careers you're considering
1) teacher
2) professor
3) hobo
Three places you want to go on vacation to:
1) japan
2) france
3) rome
Three kids names:
1) brian (i am a kid after all)
2) bryan (^ ditto)
3) 'bri'-yun (^ ditto)
Three things you want to do before you die:
1) get married and have two children
2) let my children grow up in a 'christian' family
3) do one thing right for my wife (because we all know once we get married, everything the husband does is wrong)
Three ways you're a stereotypical boy:
1) i still spit
2) i piss behind a bush if i have to
3) i check out pretty girls, ceteris paribus (meaning that i am still a guy, not a lesbian)
Three ways you're a stereotypical girl:
1) i make friendship bracelets
2) my msn font is purple
3) i am good at consoling