Mura sighed softly as she finished up with a costumer. She neatly cleaned up the cards and waited for the next one to come. Thanks to summer and the fact school was out; Mura spent most of her time at work. The same was true to who came to seek her advice
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"I will win!" he turned dramatically and strode out pretend cape billowing behind him.
Setting the magazine aside with a slight huff; Mura tapped the small sign. The sign itself was simple with gold print lettering which went something like this, ' 10 dollars per card reading, 5 for palm, and alteritive readings 30' (OOC: sorry but I hate converting to yen)
"money first then ask the question." Mura simply placed her chin in the palm of her hand and watched the flase blond. The enjoyment of Ichiro's surpise visit and question quickly faded with the arrival of a typical costumer.
A frown crossed her face as she thought of how she had been avoiding everyone from school since her mother died.
She had been depressed and wondered frequently about wether she would end up living as her mother did, and if she would be happy with what was turning into a serious relationship with Kenshin. " I don't care what the cost is, I just need to know this."
After a few muttered words, Mura laid the cards out in a pattern that would make sense only to her. She flipped each one over slowly scanning the name and putting together a meaning.
" like you said there has been a great change in your life that is effecting your jugdement on things." A painted nail tapped one of the cards. "here it says a blossoming flower of love, or feelings. Spring but the next card belongs to winter. Bitter cold... the wind of winter that kills the flower of spring." The card reader turned the next one over.
"You best watch your step, the path you are heading leads you into the wasteland. That is not a place where many people can surive before they end it all. That's all the spirits are willing to tell me and all I am allowed to say."
((OOC: yeah, I am just gonna use that dollar thing, I am not so good at converting money...))
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