Oct 26, 2008 07:12
Private; Semi-Hackable
I had to send out so many letters last night. I let Kazuho know what has been going on for the past few days.. She said she wishes she could be here to help, but she knows St. Mungo's has sent a good staff to be of assistance. As long as I keep her updated with Yoite's condition, she'll do what she can from all the way over there.
Hattori is still as persistent as usual. He'll jut keep asking me if I've change my mind or if there's anything I plan to do regarding the "situation". All I could say was too much has been happening at the school. I don't have time to answer his requests. He's going to be upset with me. I can tell.
These kind of on-going events are the kinds of things I'm supposed to be taking note of and sending off to.. the other place. I've just been compiling it all into one stack.. Eventually, I'll get around to sending it. I just don't have the time right now..
my brain is going to explode,