Title: Last Farewell
Fandom: Original
Author: yukimagik
Rating: PG-13.
Genre: Angst and aaah…. Slice of life?
Summary: «A silent sob escaped while she closed her eyes, praying for his soul, for his happiness. »
Warnings: Loads of Angst
Pairings/Characters: Original.
Author's Note: For my little sister, who loves Korean-Pop like women love chocolate. I love you, baby!!
Disclaimer: Everything is mine… Except the songs. They’re Big Bang’s, and the videoclip Lies is what inspired me.
The words in italic belong to great songs by the South Korean band Big Bang, specifically:
«I’m so sorry, but I love you/ Love is pain.» - Lies
«I don’t wanna be without you, girl.» - Last Farewell
«Goodbye, Baby» - Goodbye, Baby
«You’re my all/ say Goodbye» - Haru Haru
Last Farewell
I’m so sorry, but I love you. Those were the last words she wanted to say, yet she whispered them softly to him, face scrunched up in pain. She brushed his hair away from his forehead, lightly kissing his lips for the first and last time, a tear escaping, stuck in her eyelashes. Like her, not wanting to let go, not now that she finally had him. How could she have been so blind?
I don’t wanna be without you, girl. He had murmured sweetly, at her birthday party, only a few months ago but light-years away, it seemed. It had been the best night of her life, dancing like there was no tomorrow. That had been one of the last free days they had had. That night, his playful and innocent Goodbye, Baby had seemed just that, playful and innocent, but now she new otherwise; now she cherished it with every fiber of her being.
She knew what she had to do. She had always known. There was only one way - the worst, the most painful, the one that would break them like nothing else, but the one that would save him. You’re my all, she thought to herself, say Goodbye. A silent sob escaped while she closed her eyes, praying for his soul, for his happiness after all this pain, knowing she wouldn’t be there to see him smile ever again.
She left the room, her bag tightly secure in her white-knuckled grip. Before opening the main door, she stopped to clean her face, taking a deep breath, not regretting for a second her decision. She opened the door and left, closing it softly behind. Love is pain.