Mar 24, 2013 01:59
I was looking around my livejournal and accidentally deleted some messages without checking them.. if there was anything important..
I feel incredibly nostalgic. My Beatles mania is ruined forever and since them nothing has really managed to grab my attention like that. I just want to be obsessed again but.. I can't. And that makes me sadder with every passing day. Also seeing all of the lovely people from j<3p that I used to talk with.. and the whole community. And livejournal as a whole. It's just so silent with all other sites like tumblr and facebook, and while I love tumblr sometimes I really miss the community that was here. I feel like here you could actually get to know a person.. you could share.
Ehh don't mind me, I'm just incredibly nostalgic and this is one of the little sites left where there are no friends from RL because I really don't want them reading this.