One of the girls in my class was absent today so I ended up having to do all 5 characters
for afureko class today (゜◇゜;)(doing both Cindy and Teressa was the challenge
especially since their voices are so different orz).
I also got a letter from my university saying they're giving me 100,000 yen scholarship
because I'm awesome (yes, the letter said I was awesome ♪~( ̄ε ̄;)yup, really.)
I have SO MANY things I should be doing...
But of course, when you should be doing something else, you always end up doing a meme! Fwee!( ̄▽ ̄)
Day 01: 10 things about you
Day 02: 10 things you love
Day 03: 10 things you hate
Day 04: 10 things you want to say to one person
Day 05: 10 wishes
Day 06: 10 items you can't live without
Day 07: 10 important people
Day 08: 10 of your favorite songs
Day 09: 10 ways to win your heart
Day 10: Final 10 words
Day 01: 10 things about you
① I'm double schooling in Japan right now
(Meiji University Student and voice actress in training)
② My childhood dream was to become a manga artist
(that and a magical girl who's other identity is an idol singer
or an awesome ninja assasin)
③ I didn't know how babies were made until I was in 8th grade. Seriously.
④ My favorite color is blue, even though I hardly own anything blue...
⑤ The place I want to visit the most as of right now is Europe
⑥ The first game console I owned was a Nintendo Game Cube... when I was 20.
⑦ My first crush was Kurama from Yuu Yuu Hakusho
⑧ I'm semi-trilingual (Though with all you talented people out there,
that doesn't make me feel very special at all lol)
⑨ I'm a clean freak
⑩ My room number is 707, same as Nana and Hachi
(speaking of which... though I used to like the numbers 4 and 6,
lately I realized my lucky number might actually be 7...)
Day 02: 10 things you love
① MY CHILDREN (Luna and Winter♥)
② Kiba (〇`ω´〇)☆
③ Voice Acting if you haven't noticed already
④ Drawing (but I suck LOL yay)
⑤ Anime/Manga
⑥ Reading (light novels/fantasy)
⑦ Karaoke (longest karaoke by myself record= 6 hours non-stop singing...
that can't be good for you)
⑧ 妄想
⑨ Cosplay
⑩ ... I like how I didn't list my family and friends so I guess
this is where I put you guys since I can't think of anything else
lol XD j/k I love you guys!
Day 03: 10 things you hate
① BUGS ;A; they're so gross.
② Feeling stupid and/or not being able to comprehend complicated things
with my stupid head. Or basically the fact that I'm stupid. Period.
③ Lack of Japanese skills
④ Lack of talent and feeling jealous of other people *sulks in corner*
⑤ Self loathing and lack of self confidence *sulks further into corner*
⑥ Dirtiness (MUST.WASH.HANDS!) and smelly things (I'm kind of sensitive to smell too *sighs* makes life so difficult)
⑦ Lack of sleep
⑨ Politics (I don't understand it at all ;A; )
⑩ CLUSTERS OF FREAKING HOLES (I also discovered my fear against certain
naked treebranches I came across yesterday. It just looked so gross...)
Day 05: 10 wishes
① Time (go back in time and make wiser decisions!)
② Money (so I can throw them at people ψ(`∇´)ψ)
③ Youth (I feel so old... and so late in starting things I've always
wanted to do...)
④ Talent (fluently fluent Japanese, acting skills, and singing skills!)
⑤ I wish my body was more flexible (so I can dance like awesome!)
⑥ I wish I was popular ;A;
⑦ I wish humans would stop being mean to animals D:
⑧ I wish my cats would actually love me back ;A; they always seem to ignore me. WHY?!
⑨ I wish I knew what kind of character I am (I'm definitely not a loli,
or yandere... WHAT AM I?!)
⑩ Gross things can disappear in the world so I don't have to live in fear.
Day 06: 10 items you can't live without
① Ethanol/Alcohol (not for drinking silly, for cleaning)
③ My Japanese cellphone
④ Music/iPod
⑤ Snacks/tea time
⑥ KARAOKE (preferrably hyperjoy wave)
⑦ SEGA Game Center (my source of daily entertainment lol)
⑧ My sketchbook & drawing utensils
⑨ Personal space (5 feet!)
⑩ CLEAN air and water, HEALTHY/YUMMY foods, SAFE place to live
(make sure to give me attention and take me on walks too)
Day 07: 10 important people (wut, no animals?)
① ME (my universe is all about me baby!)
② Okita Souji/Seta Soujirou (they mind as well be the same person *shrugs*)
③ Kurama (your fault for failing to note 3D or 2D people)
④ Mommy (is it sad that she's listed behind Soujirou and Kurama?!
TAT I'm such a horrible daughter)
⑤ 緒方恵美さん (whose voice acting is guilty for turning me into a fangirl)
⑥ 和月伸宏さん (whose art and story are guilty for turning me into a freaking Shinsengumi otaku)
⑦ My sister I suppose (lol self explanatory)
⑧ 高月璃子 (my first and only?! voice acting job character WITH A NAME!!!)
⑨ Uhhh uhhh...
⑩ ... I'm all out of ammos.
Day 08: 10 of your favorite songs (oh man... this is hard)
*atm in no specific order, diff. from songs I'd sing at karaoke
① Voices // Macross Plus
② Diamond Crevasse // Sheryl Nome (May'n)
③ 今でもあなたが // 藤田麻衣子
④ Gravity // 坂本 真綾
⑤ Spice! // 鏡音レン
⑥ Tonight // Yuksek (the power of AMV!)
⑦ Be a Man // Mulan (XDDDD)
⑧ Universal Bunny // Sheryl Nome (May'n)
⑨ You // ひぐらしの鳴く頃に
⑩ Eyes on Me // Final Fantasy VIII