Bestfriends-Chapter 2

Jan 23, 2011 17:49


“Why are you hugging Yesung, Jang Hyunseung?” Kyuhyun muttered.
Kibum was silent but his glare was even scarier than Kyuhyun’s.
“Uh. . . He was upset so I wanted to comfort him.” Hyunseung replied meekly.
“Well, we’re here now.” Kibum finally spoke up.
Yesung sighed. He already knew how protective his best friends could be. “Nice to meet you, Hyunseung. I hope we can be great friends.” He smiled at the doe eyed boy.
The younger returned the smile, ignoring the glares he was receiving again. “We already are, Yesung. I‘ll leave you alone for now.” Then he went off to talk to Junhyung.

Yesung’s eyes followed Hyunseung and saw him talking to some sleeping guy in the front. He only returned his gaze when he heard the chorused sigh of Kibum and Kyuhyun. He raised an eyebrow. Neither he nor Hyunseung had done anything wrong so what was up with them?

“Uh. . . Hi?” Yesung started awkwardly.
“Hi.” They chorused.
Yesung sighed then leaned his head against his desk. “i don’t know when you’re going to act normal again so just call me when you do.”
Neither spoke for a moment until Kibum sighed.
“Why did you suddenly leave us there? We were looking for you.” Kibum admitted.
“Hyung, you should have waited for us.” Kyuhyun insisted.
“I’m not a kid if you haven’t noticed.” Yesung frowned.

He already got the pampered treatment with heechul which is exactly why he doesn’t want to get it when he’s with Kyuhyun and Kibum. The younger boys felt a little guilty. Maybe they had over reacted a little. Yesung was refusing to look at them. He was only looking outside the window. Yesung was getting a little mad and hurt by their actions. He just found out that his best friends are actually competitive against each other then they gang up on his new friend. Aish. Maybe he should have stayed at his old school. It seemed more peaceful.

“Yesung, i’m. . .” Kyuhyun’s apology was cut off by the bell. The magnae cursed under his breath. “I’ll talk to you later, i guess.” Then he retreated to his classroom.

Kibum opened his mouth as if to say something but then shut it and with a smile, he left for his room, too. Yesung sighed. He wanted to hear his friends apologize already but now it was time for class so he focused his attention to whatever the teacher was talking about.

Hyunseung invited Yesung to eat lunch with him and Junhyung. Yesung found out that Junhyung and Hyunseung were quite opposites and even though Junhyung intimidated him, he was pretty cool. Yesung wasn’t eating much of his food, more like playing around with it. Kyuhyun and Kibum still haven’t talked to him. Are they going to let the current situation be?

“Uh. . . Yesung, turn around you.” Hyunseung said, a little hesitantly.
Yesung did and saw Kibum holding an apple. “What’s that for, Kibum?”
Kibum smiled shyly then threw him the apple. “ It’s an apple.”
“ i know that.”
“ So . . . .” Kibum was waiting for something to click in yesung’s mind.
Yesung raised an eyebrow. So what if it was an apple? Then it registered. “ Kibum, you watch too many romantic dramas. Apple is an apology.” Yesung laughed.
Kibum blushed and nodded. “So, do you accept my apple?”
Yesung grinned at him. “ Well, your apology is so delicious looking so why not?”
“ Thanks, Yesung.”
“ Just don’t do it again.”
Kibum nodded. “ Can I seat with you?”
Yesung was about to agree when he saw Kyuhyun standing on top of a table. The others who were eating their lunch paused to look what the school’s bad boy was doing. Kyuhyun smirked at Kibum then turned to Yesung. He exhaled.

“ Kim Yesung, I was such a jackass back then. I’m sorry!” he exclaimed before the whole school.
Everyone’s eyes were now turned to Yesung and Yesung could do nothing but blush. He didn’t like being in the spotlight.
“ Kyuhyun, get down from there.” Yesung reproached.
Kyuhyun pouted. “ not until you accept my apology, i won’t.”
“ Alright. I forgive you. Just get down from there.” Yesung mumbled.

Kyuhyun jumped off the table and quickly sat down beside Yesung. He was grinning broadly which made Yesung sigh. Kibum sat infront of them. Their table was pretty quiet so Yesung decided to break the ice.

“Kyuhyun, Kibum, I want you to meet my new friends.” Yesung said while pointing to Hyunseung and Junhyung.
“You already know me but here’s a little something. I’ll make sure Yesung can breathe in our room.” Hyunseung smiled wickedly.
“What do you mean by that?” Kibum asked.
“Nothing.” But Hyunseung’s eyes say a different tale.
“I’m Yong Junhyung. I’m also a new student.” Junhyung introduced.
“So, that’s why I haven’t seen you before.” Kyuhyun muttered.
“What class do we have next, Seungie?” Yesung asked innocently.

Kyuhyun and Kibum raised an eyebrow. Seungie? Yesung already had a pet name for Hyunseung. This was just the first day and they were that close.

“ P.E class, I think. Am I right, Junnie?” Hyunseung asked.
“ Yeah. “ Junhyung replied.

Kyuhyun laughed while Kibum grinned cheekily. Yesung both hit them in the arm. Okay, he wasn’t the best athlete in every game but did they really have to react like that?

“What’s so funny?” Hyunseung inquired.
“ Unless you’re playing soccer, Yesung wouldn’t be any good.” Kyuhyun explained.
“ Yah!” Yesung blushed.
Hyunseung smiled knowingly. “ It’s okay,Sungie. I’m pretty clumsy as well. Don’t worry about it.”
Yesung smiled back. “Thanks, Seungie.”

Kyuhyun slumped back in his seat. Kibum’s appetite was suddenly gone. One same thought was running through their mind: They’re alike, great.

A.N: I don't know when my next update would be since I'm pretty sickly so I have to take a rest. Hopefully, i would recover withing this week. sorry for the late update.

kibum, kyuhyun, junhyung. kisung, hyunseung, kyusung, yesung

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