Oyi veyyy...

May 20, 2009 20:20

I've been slacking in posts again haven't I? In my defense, school is taking up a huge amount of my time. The next two weeks are going to be very... interesting. It's two weeks until my math final and basically we have only two classes to learn new stuff and review before them because we have a day off Monday. Oh, and the website we work from is going to be down the last week. So, more or less, I have to do two weeks worth of work in one week.


Well, I should have some time during summer. Not that I'm doing nothing, but I should be able to focus on programs for my computer and finally being able to use my tablet again. I need a quality art break.

It's been over 3 years since I've used my tablet. Yikes.

I also totally forgot until today that my birthday is almost here. ...The day before my final exam. Har he har huuuurrrrr. I get to spend it studying my brains out. If I remember between work I should write up my wishlist.

yuki at work

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