Happy Easter! Kinda Sorta? Or... You Wanto Mirrion Dorra? Alt Thief Rove Serf Rong Time Sucky Sucky!

Apr 08, 2007 21:40

holiday greetings: Happy Easter everybody!

ranty bitching: Mmm... yeah, not been having too good a day today. T-T-O-T-M made for T-M-I W-T-F moments that P-I-S-S-E-D me off. I ended up having only four hours of sleep. There's a suspicion that the toilet piping may be leaking into the wall, which was exposed with a huge gaping hole that's still not repaired in my room, and is barely covered up. I got dust in my eye when I was opening the curtain to open a window to air out my room. This led me to dust my room and find huge amounts of it, which aggravated my allergies. I opened the windows then and aimed my fan out one on high to blow out as much dust from the air that I could. Even now after they've been closed save for a crack and the fan turned down to low, and even though I'm wearing four layers of clothes, I still feel cold. There was also a lot of running around, searching through boxes, moving random things, furniture, and tearing off everything on my bed to be washed.

summary of bitching: Yeah, yeah, so suffice to say beyond a huge ranting paragraph, I've had a bad day. Pancakes Aqua made me, the last brownie, and a basket of Easter candy have been nice pick me ups, as well as talking online with friends of course.

something to really bitch about: $2.5 Million dollars. Two and a half million dollars is what a horrible art thief conned out of people for his "art". He laughed his all the way to the bank at other peoples' expense. This guy is horrible. Just read all the links to things about him shown in the link I've made this entire bleepin' paragraph into! I'm so horribly disgusted by this I can't even begin to form a proper rant about him (though I'm darn well going to try anyway when I post this link on DA).

summary: Yeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhh... Not too fun an Easter for me this year. How was yours?

afterthought: Oh, and I've got a new icon! What you think?

edit: I made a formal rant/editorial/whatever you want to call it about the 2.5 million dollar art thief in my DA journal. It felt more appropriate to place the better post about it there.

bitch yuki bitch, insert appropriate obscenity here, artsy stuffs, yuki at work, down with the sickness, you make me ranty baby, daily life

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