moe randomness~~

Jan 22, 2010 02:27


yes i know u are kakkoi tabi ^^;;  this is from iris ep 15 right before he was killed by lee byung hun. Tabi was the bad guy remember?

(i made this gif myself so pls credit if u wanna use it elsewhere. do not claim as yours ok?)

moe of my babbling below.

so what did i do this past few days without internet ?

-> finished watching goemon. yosuke eguchi vs ozawa takao. sounds great rite? download the movie here here (u need to join the comm first)

-> finished watching koishite akuma. i marathoned it for one whole nite hehehe. so nice to see new faces of JE since i stopped fangirling them. last time for me was hey say jump. excluding of yamapi since i will be fangirling him like forever ^___^. well about the storyline... i dun know but the story feels 'real' despite of the 'unreal-vampire-themed' (since when vampire are real anyway). maybe becos of the acting? its quite different from other vampire stories. it gives me this kind of 'serious' feeling. just like when i watched "Moonchild" (now i really need to find this dvd.its been so long that i forgot where did i put it). Superb acting by Gackt and Hyde. hehehe..

-> finished my BOF DVD. ahh finally. eventho imo its not as good as the taiwan and japanese ver, min ho n jihoo surpassed it all hehehe... i still love dao ming si tho.. i just amazed at how they manage to compact everything in 16 episode. including the part where jun pyo lost his memories. it was done only in 2 episodes? compared to meteor garden where dao ming si lost his memories for about err.. from the beginning until the end of season 2! great job scriptwriter!

is that all? no but i will write moe in another post.


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