I've been sitting in todays marketing classes and I suddenly realized how many things I gotta do this weekend. Therefor I'm gonna make a list, so my (pretty bad) memory can lay back and relax a bit. (Well actually I have to remember reading the list >_<; but I hope I can manage that~)
- Attend some pre-internship workshop on Saturday (10am - 3pm)
- Start working on my marketing homework
- Read some books for my Bachelor Thesis
- Edit more photos of Japan and post them
- Get books for my presentation on postmodern Japanese literature
- Watch the European Song Contest~
- Watch Yukan Club
- Start grabbing my Japanese text- and grammarbooks and refresh my Minna-no-Nihongo-Japanese
- Write applications for an internship T_T
That's it so far, but I guess I'm gonna edit it later, if there's more things popping up in my head =o=