First meeting

Mar 26, 2012 17:28

× Title: First meeting
× Pairing: Masatoshi
× Rating: G
× Word Count: 746
× Prompt: Aiba/Ohno free square for 
× Summary: AU. Chibis. Aiba Masaki as Katayama Yoshitaro, Ohno Satoshi as Enomoto Kei. The cat as himself. :D

× Note: My little tribute to the new dramas that are coming soon ^o^
An Aiba-Ohno story, which has almost nothing to do with the real plot of their dramas, but I had a little fun while waiting for the “real -bigger- version” to come ♥

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It was a beautiful spring day.
A warm sun was shining up in the sky and a gentle breeze was shaking branches of flowering trees, while birds were chirping happily in their nests... but the little Katayama Yoshitaro didn’t look happy at all as he walked along the avenue that led from his house to the town park.
He was walking rapidly with his short legs, scanning carefully every single tree along the road, as if he was looking for something…

The worried expression painted on his face revealed clearly his mood, and the tears that were holding back from going down along his cheeks were a clear sign of its fragility.

A child sad and scared, who was wandering alone.
This was the very first image that Enomoto Kei had, when he met him for the first time.

"Hey chibi! Are you lost?"
That voice which sounded firm and sleepy at the same time, averted Yoshitaro’s attention and made him forget for an instant his sad and gloomy thoughts, making him turn curiously towards the other boy.

"Lost? No, not me... I live close to this park, but...”
Tears formed again at the corner of his eyes, and he barely managed to not burst into a desperate cry, while revealing: “..I’ve lost my kitten!!!”

The older boy stood up quietly from the bench where he had been sitting, and slowly approached the little kid, holding under his arm what seemed to be a sketchbook.

"Your kitten you said? And how does it look like?" he asked gravely, adjusting on his nose the big glasses he was wearing, in an almost too serious attitude for his actual childish look.

"Well.. he’s white, black and red... and is the cutest kitten ever!!!”
He did not know how else to describe his beloved pet, but he hoped that his description could be enough.

"Oh, maybe like this?” the older boy opened his sketchbook, showing his latest work: a pencil portrait of a cat, sitting under a tree with lashings ears, in an attentive posture.
The colors were indistinguishable from that black and white drawing, but Yoshitaro had no doubts.

"Yes! Yes! It's him! Holmes-chan! Did you draw this portrait? It 's beautiful! And where is he now? Please tell me!”
Enomoto Kei was a bit surprised by that sudden change of mood in the little boy, but still nodded in response to the first question, and pointed his finger to answer the second, showing a tree not far from the bench where he was sitting before.

"I've never seen such a quiet cat before" said the artist "Usually they never let me take a proper portrait, since cats are used to escape long before I can possibly finish my drawing. But your cat, he stood patiently without ever moving... I suppose he had been waiting for you”

"As a confirmation of his words, the cat came up to them in that very moment, rubbing against his young master’s legs.
The boy screamed with enthusiasm and bent over to pick him up immediately, holding him tightly to his chest and petting him tenderly.
"Oh, I missed you so much!! I was so afraid that you had lost and you could no longer come back home!...” He went on petting merrily his puppy for a little while, until he suddenly turned towards the other guy, this time showing him a bright smile and thanking him greatly.

"Thank you for helping me find my cat!" he exclaimed happily " are my savior!"
And before Kei Enomoto could actually say something (or just explain that in fact he had not done anything), the little Yoshitaro leaned towards him and kissed him affectionately on the cheek.

"I will never forget you, and your kindness!" he said with a beaming smile, right before moving away, still holding his kitten into his arms.
"I’m going back home now, otherwise Mum will scold me... but I hope I’ll meet you again! See you!"

The older boy put a hand on his own cheek, blushing with surprise, and stared silently at the lively little boy who was happily running away.
Everything went so fast, that he couldn’t really recall what has happened exactly... but even though it had been just a chance, he had to admit that being a detective seemed to be a particularly rewarding job!

“Maybe Kageyama-kun is right: it’s something cool to be when we grow up!”

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I told you, I just wanted to have some fun ^o^
I hope you liked this as well ♥

setting: au, fanfiction, length: one-shot, rating: g, rainbowfilling, pairing: aiba masaki/ohno satoshi, genre: fluff

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