The Bakery - Chapter 1

Jan 25, 2011 17:51

× Title: the Bakery
× Author: yukichan_tb 
× Length: 1618 words
× Pairing: Junba
× Rating: G
× Genre: friendship / romance.
× Thanks to: arashiislove , mongo_o_o, usermmt, lycchy, yuelnaye, jellybean6972, felixkeep for their partecipation in the First Prompt of my project ^^

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~ Chapter One ~

The following day Matsumoto woke up with a strange sensation deep inside him, into his stomach, as if he was overly-nervous and worried about what was going to come.
He hadn’t felt in that way since high school days, when he had an important test upcoming… He had never liked those days, because he couldn’t avoid getting nervous even though he had nothing to fear, even though he had properly studied.
The only thing he could do back then, was to put aside those feelings and head straight for what was going to come. And also this time he tried his best in order to not think about it.
“I can’t help but go along with Shachou’s decision” he said to himself in a resolute tone. Then he turned off his alarm clock that had started ringing at 2.30am, as usual, and got off the bed. He tried to focus on his daily routine, on all those sacred little things that were able to relax him in any circumstance: he did a long hot shower, a healthy abundant breakfast and then a peaceful walk in town in the middle of the night, when most of people were still asleep or maybe had just gone to bed…
It was a surreal atmosphere, not being surrounded by crowd of people even though he was walking in the center of town, and he really liked it.

The baking process required him to start working very early in the morning, in order to take care of the dough that had been prepared 16 or 18 hours before. This was once the owner’s task, while Matsujun and Ohno were supposed to join him later, but since the two apprentices had become expert enough to handle alone the whole process, the old man was now finally able to rest.
Because of that, Jun had reorganized his whole life (especially his social life), in order to fit his work schedule: he had stopped going out with friends or doing any other activity at night a long time ago, in order to go to sleep in the early evening… but he had never regretted it.
He loved his life exactly as it was now.
Tidy, rigorous, peaceful, ordinary.

When he finally arrived to his workplace that morning, he was in a better mood compared to his awakening: the stroll had chased away the uneasy sensation he had felt when he woke up, and he was ready to start his duties.
Too bad that there was something unexpected that was waiting for him… right before the front door.

A tall young man was pacing back and forth as if he was trying to warm himself up in the cold night… or maybe had been was simply waiting impatiently for Jun, because when he saw him coming he headed in his direction with a happy expression painted on his face.
“You are Matsumoto-kun right? I’m Aiba Masaki, nice to meet you!!” he exclaimed over-excited “The boss told me that you alone open the store everyday at this hour so I decided to join you from now on!”
“So you must be the new apprentice…” mumbled the expert baker, a little disoriented by that energetic person who was acting so enthusiastically in the early morning.
“Yes I am!” he replied promptly “I’m here to give you a hand, so ask me whatever you want!”
“Okay then, I’ll tell you only once: be sure not to ever get in my way while working. You know, this may seem a little store but we actually are always crowded with customers… you’re expected to learn quickly how to handle them without hampering anyone, you got me?”
It wasn’t that Jun wanted to be that rude on purpose… but when he didn’t feel at ease -like he was now, realizing that his loved daily routine was going to change abruptly- he couldn’t avoid it.
“I… I got it!” nodded Aiba with much less enthusiasm, right before stepping backward from Matsumoto, as if he was afraid to “be in the way” just by standing beside him.
Without saying anything else the baker took out a set of keys and made his way inside the store, gesturing the apprentice to follow him.

They first made a quick halt in the dressing room, where Jun took off his winter clothes and put on a white linen uniform with a soft hat of the same color.
“You must wear one of these as well, if you’re going to enter the workshop” the baker indicated a small locker in the corner of the room “Only when you’ll be properly dressed up, you’ll be allowed to join me in the next room… and remember to wash carefully your hands!”
Said that, he exited the changing room leaving the apprentice alone.
It wasn’t that difficult to realize that Matsumoto wasn’t enjoying his company at all, especially for the always-positive Aiba-chan who was used to bring happiness whenever he happened to meet new people. He sighed disconsolate, because he didn’t know what was wrong with that person and he had no idea about how to relate with him… but he didn’t give up and went on doing what he was expected to do. He quickly found an uniform about his size, a hat like the one Jun was wearing, and a pair of clean white shoes.
When he had ended his preparations, he finally entered into the workshop: it was a large room filled in sacks of wheat, yeast, malt, big containers full of dough, a lot of bakery machines… and in the middle of the room there was Jun, engrossed in his job. He was working on a kneader containing dough, adding water from time to time, when he seemed satisfied with its thickness…
“Is there something I can do?” the apprentice volunteered eagerly.
“Absolutely not.” Answered Matsumoto without even looking up at him “I can’t let you touch anything, in order not to interfere with the leavening process. Not knowing what to do, you would surely to ruin something.”
“But you can teach me, right? Like the owner when he taught you the job! I mean, when you first started you must have been inexperienced as well, right?” Aiba wanted to show him that he was motivated on learning, that he was fascinated by that job as much as he might have been Jun himself.
“I thought you had been employed just for serving customers. There’s no need for you to learn the baking process”
“I know, but… since I’m here, I thought I could…”
“You thought wrong!”
The baker was getting irritable.
That useless chattering had broke his concentration and he had nearly added too much water to the dough he was working on… He absolutely needed that noisy guy to stay silent until he would have finished that job! And for a short moment he almost thought to have successfully made him understand… until he heard him sobbing quietly.
Aiba was crying.
Tears were falling down his cheeks, while his breathing was getting labored due to sighs…
“Eh? Are you kidding me?” exclaimed Jun quite confused. He had treated harshly other people before, but he absolutely didn’t know how to deal with a crying person! Moreover, a crying man was a first for him: “Hey, you don’t need to take it so seriously! …I didn’t mean to…”
He didn’t want their boss to come and witness that uneasy situation, especially after having being recommended to “treat nicely the newcomer”… This wasn’t a good start at all!!
But by how much he tried earnestly to stop him crying, his words were sounding just like a scolding, over and over again: “You’re a man forgodsake! You shouldn’t cry so easily!”

Luckily for him the first one to arrive on the scene, ten minutes later, was Ohno-kun.
Indeed, when his friend entered into the workshop that morning, he happened to witness quite a gloomy situation: the newcomer was sitting in a corner of the room sighing loudly, while Matsumoto was almost panicking for not being able to solve the situation and go back to his work.
“Poor guy!” exclaimed the short man, somehow amused “The boss hadn’t warned you to not bother Matsujun during his morning duties, had he? What a cruel joke…”
He let out a soft laugh, as if he had known since the beginning what would have happened “Oh well, but I guess he wanted to test out your compatibility before making you join definitely the team! By the way, I’m Ohno Satoshi, nice to meet you!”
Regaining slowly his breath, Aiba looked up at that man quite interested: he realized immediately that he had nothing to fear from such a gentle and reassuring person, so he smiled back at him.
“Don’t be afraid of him” he added in a whisper, crouching down next to the newcomer “He acts cool and strict but he’s actually a good guy… You’ll realize it soon, believe me!”
Hearing those encouraging words, Aiba felt immediately comforted and with a sudden movement he rubbed his watery eyes and wiped his running nose on his sleeve, deleting all the tears’ signs. Finally, he stood up to look properly into his colleague’s eyes: “Nice to meet you, Ohno-san! I’m looking forward to work together with you! Please excuse me for my exaggerated reaction at Matsumoto-san’s words…”
And while saying that he turned towards Jun as well, in an attempt to “rewind” the previous embarrassing act and restart from the beginning with him, but the only thing he got was another scolding from the expert baker: “Hey! Go immediately to change that dirty uniform if you’re going to stay here and deal with food ingredients!”

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Evil!Jun is what came out from this prompt after all °_°

I’m posting this chapter quite in a hurry because I don’t want to make you wait anymore… sorry if it’s short or somehow “quick”
I hope it’ll get better with next chapters! ;)
Thank you all for your support!! \o/

setting: au, genre: friendship, fanfiction, length: chaptered, pairing: aiba masaki/matsumoto jun, rating: g

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