Sep 29, 2010 17:53
As some of you may have noticed already, my "posting-rate" had slowed down a lot in these recent times...
When I first started to write fanfiction, I was able to post one chapter a day, but now I can't do it anymore because I am getting more and more busy every single day.
I don't have much free time at work (as I had at the beginning) and more importantly, I am moving out from my current house (as many of you should already know) :p
So I'm spending all my free time in stores and my free days in cleaning (you know, no one had ever lived in that house yet so there are still traces of plaster on the baseboards, the glue of tiles is really difficult to scrape off, etcetera...)
What I want to ask you is this: does my "slowed down rhythm" in posting fics bothers you?
Because I remember clearly that when I had started writing, a lot of people were telling me that fics which aren't posted regularly makes you upset because you can't follow well the flow of the story...
Would you prefer if I'll post my fics almost all in one go as I was doing at the beginning?
Maybe taking my time to write them (which would mean a looot of time) and posting all the chapters only when I have already ended the story? (but this won't allow you to influence me, now that I think about it °__°)
Oh well, if anyone of you has something to say about this matter, just tell me! :)