
Jul 23, 2010 14:31

I want to write down some ramblings today... because it’s Friday.
And I don’t want to do anything else. XD

~ ONE ~
I'm quite satisfied as I've finished my latest fic at the end (for the first time in a while, yesterday evening I was completely free and I had nothing to do!!), even though I didn't get much comments yet ç_ç
...maybe it's too long and people are "procastinating" the reading? or maybe they are simply skipping it? °_°
Well, it doesn't matter anymore, as I've already posted it :p
Maybe next time I'll try to be less tedious and prolix as 6500 words seem to be discouraging for the readers! XD

Now I don't know yet on what to focus... I checked my previous survey and according to the result it seems that it's now time for the angsty Sakuraiba... :O
I don't have a plot in my mind though, so I don't know when I'll start... probably some more short drabbles will come first?

~ TWO ~
Yesterday evening I decided to enjoy once again my Arashi 5x10 Anniversary Tour DVD (projected on the wall ^^), dancing like a crazy fangirl while watching them… but my knee wasn’t in agreement, since it decided to FAIL and give up during one of my crazy dances  ç_ç
It simply bent in an irregular (and painful!) way and I had to choice but stop my stupid physical activities… T_T
And now, one night had passed but it’s still hurting like hell.
Please note: I was dancing Sho’s solo "Tomadoinagara" when it happened -.-

I usually go to work by bus, taking obviously the same route everyday... and recently there's a particular place which reminds me of the neener XD
Because when I was still writing my fic, I was used to print it and read it again "on paper" in order to check if there were mistakes here and where...
And for 3-4 consecutive times (in different days), I happened to read this sentence when I found myself in the very same place:
*spoiler - highlight below*
Maybe his recurrent fantasy wasn’t exactly the same as the other teenage guys’, but it had surely trained his mind for what he was currently experiencing: an aroused and naked Nino moaning on top of him…
*end spoiler*Now everytime I'm passing through that place, I keep imagining an aroused and naked Nino moaning on the bed (Sho is not included into this fantasy of mine)... XD
Should I start worrying?

~ FOUR ~
Today I ate pineapple! \o/
Even though it's not my favourite fruit, even though I could have chosen strawberries, peaches, apricots or apples... but I choose pineapple!!
...because I wanted to celebrate in my own way Oh-chan's vacation at Okinawa and his recovered tan ^o^


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