Arashi once said that they want to "create a storm throughout the world" but everytime they happen to talk about foreign countries they seems surprised to have fans also there and not only in Japan...
I've always thought that they should know that they are actually making it!! ^____^
And today, I found this:
Arashi International Fans Map Project I think it's really a great idea!
I've already done it and I want to spread it as more as possible, but I personally don't really know a lot of Arashi fans because in Italy they are not so many... anyhow, I've tried to spread it in any way I could :D
But this is not the first time I've found something like this... in the past, I've found other websites like:
- but every single one of them doesn't appear to be updated or are not doing anything "active" (like sending them a map of fans ^_^) , so I wasn't sure if they worked or not...