No Idea

Jun 13, 2003 00:58

How has everyone been? Sorry I haven't update or talk to ya'll in a few days, but have been busy and would like sometime off. Anybody got extra time for me.

For all those who are going to fanime with me. let me know again what ya'll are doing and what days ya'll (my new fav word) come back to san francisco. Time meet is at 10:30-11:00 on friday for all those going with me on that day, meeting at my house.

got my ear repierce, that is a painful experience, please don't tried this.

also got a letter to go the washington d c to read my poem at an amature poet convention. not going, cost is about $1000 for room, board, and convention fee. good scam huh.

anyway here is the poem that they wanted me to read

I want to be free
I want to be free of all burdens in life
I want to be like the clouds, floating freely upon the sky
I want to be free, like the birds of the sky
I want to be free, not like the grass and trees
For that is which I am, a tree or a grass,
Rooted into the world, and never be free.
I want to be free, to fly fly away.

hope you all like it
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