Fall Out Fanboy

Dec 21, 2014 19:07

Title: Fall Out Fanboy
Pairing: Kai/D.O, hinted BaekYeol
Rating: PG-13
Genre: fluff, humor, fanboying over boybands!au, university!au
Summary: When Baekhyun drags Kyungsoo out to attend a private mini concet of his favorite punk band ever, he gets more than what he's expected and his inner fan boy comes out.

“Are you absolutely sure it’s Fall Out Boy performing?”


Kyungsoo was still skeptical, not trusting his friend’s answer as they made their way to the largest club in the city.

Earlier that night, Baekhyun called Kyungsoo out, telling him that he should go out and join him at the small private concert in the club arranged by a filthy rich, apparently hot university student.

Baekhyun told Kyungsoo he was given two tickets by the rich student, whose name was Chanhyuk? Chanjo? Chanjin? Whatever his name was, gave Baekhyun two tickets as a means of flirting, asking him to ‘come’. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes until he saw the other end of the floor. He knew why Baekhyun was bothering him on a Saturday night-he needed a wingman. Initially, as expected, he said no. But he had doubts racing around in his mind when Baekhyun mentioned Fall Out Boy. He then stuttered and Baekhyun smirked. He knew he won. Kyungsoo knew that Baekhyun knew that he would kill to see  and hear Patrick Stump and Pete Wentz up close and watch them perform live. Their awesome punk-rock music has served as his all important lifeline in surviving Uni. He had to thank them in person, right?

So, wearing concert-appropriate attire, (read: tight black skinny jeans that hug both their thick thighs and asses well, a black graphic tee for Baekhyun and a big I Fell for Fall Out Boy! Shirt on Kyungsoo. Converse high tops for their feet, too) they made their way to the venue.

“Fuck, I should’ve bought my lightstick.”

Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “Kyungsoo, please. We’re not in Korea.”
Kyungsoo pouted.

They approached the entrance and two bouncers blocked their way. Baekhyun flashed a bright smile along with two tickets to them and they were allowed entrance. The bouncers stepped out of the way and they entered, the thumping of the amplifiers already felt on the ground they walked on as the club staff set the stage up.

Kyungsoo looked around and saw that the place was already packed, teenage girls, goths and flirts alike already crowding in front.
The waiters were already roaming around with trays in their palms, offering everyone drinks.
When one passed by them Baekhyun took hold of two glasses and handed one to Kyungsoo. Eyeing the clear liquid, Kyungsoo frowned. “You know I don’t drink, Baek.”

“This is why you don’t get laid. Loosen up, Soo!”

Kyungsoo exhaled in mild irritation before looking up, staring at the stage and around it, looking for a familiar Fall Out Boy logo anywhere. When he found none, he frowned, furrowed his brows and took hold of a portion of Baekhyun’s shirt. “Why are there no banners for Fall Out Boy…?”

To this, Baekhyun smirked and lowered the glass from his lips. “Did I say? I meant Fall Out Boy cover band.”

Kyungsoo couldn’t believe his ears. He was starting to see red.


“Shh! It’s starting!”

And indeed it was. Kyungsoo momentarily glanced back to the stage and saw that everyone was flocking towards it. Kyungsoo’s feet instinctively walked forward, battling against the crowd of skimpily clothed girls to get a better view of the stage. He turned around briefly to see if his friend has followed him.


He was nowhere to be found.

“Damn it.”

Then, loud cheers ensued as one by one the band members finally walked out, all wearing matching black ensembles, with eyeliners on their eyes.

He was shocked to see Baekhyun on stage, an electric guitar slung around his thin frame. He was the bands main vocalist, given his position in front behind the mic.

Kyungsoo continued to look on in shock and awe as Baekhyun winked at him when he caught his gaze, the fangirls beside him screaming like banshees effectively breaking his right eardrum permanently. Kyungsoo’s eyebrow twitched but like the good friend that he is, raised a thumb up encouragingly.

And they started to play.

They were, as Baekhyun had said, a Fall Out Boy punk-rock cover group. And they were pretty good.

Baekhyun was killing it with his vocals on Rat A Tat, and the tall guy with the bass guitar from behind him was killing the flirty girl rap. What caught his attention however, wasn’t the feminine-looking Keyboardist nor the Bass player-definitely not Baekhyun, but the awesome drummer way at the back. Kyungsoo had to stand on his tip toes and crane his neck to get a better look and he wasn’t disappointed.

The drummer wasn’t only awesome on his drumsticks, but was also deliciously hot. He had wild, chocolate brown locks which he didn’t even bother to comb-his fringe was already covering his eyes; dark, dangerous things which seem to draw you in whenever he so much as glanced your way.
Kyungsoo’s breath hitched and his ears blocked all sound as he met eyes with the drummer. He had heavy-lidded, deep set eyes that were smeared in eyeliner. It didn’t help that he was sweating and everything just kind of mixed in beautifully together and gave him the smoky-eyes-I’ll-fuck-you-right-here-right-now kind of look. His nose was cutely crooked a bit and led to a very plump and slightly glistening mouth.
Kyungsoo’s mouth watered and he looked back up to see that the guy still had his eyes on him. The edge of his mouth tilted upwards briefly before he resumed his hearty head bang, his hands still tapping out the catchy beat.

Holy shit.

Did he just smirk at me? By the last song, (actually the third last song-from the sheer amount of encore catcalls they got they sang two more before this one) Kyungsoo’s mind turned to mush and his heart beat permanently synced itself onto every beat the drummer played with his hands. Kyungsoo knew he was very much attracted to this guy and that he was so royally screwed.
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark closed the mini concert and Baekhyun was smirking at him the whole time he sang it, his eyes glinting especially mischievously at the slow build up of the chorus.
Kyungsoo felt his armpits sweating under the gaze.

When Kyungsoo was finally able to tear his eyes away from the hot drummer, his eyes wandered to the front of the percussion instrument and saw that their band was called Fall Back Boys. Kyungsoo scoffed and rolled his eyes. Way to go with the originality, Baekhyun.

Baekhyun approached him once the crowd dispersed and the band members were safe to roam around the club again. Kyungsoo didn’t bother buying him a bouquet to congratulate his performance because he was still a little pissed at Baekhyun for lying.

“Hey Soo!” He immediately towards him and hugged Kyungsoo, to which the latter did nothing to.

“Aw, come on. Still mad at me? I’m sorry! But did you like my performance huh, huh?” Kyungsoo chuckled at how childish Baekhyun sounded but nonetheless rolled his eyes and gave up, wrapping his arms around his best friend.

“You didn’t have to lie you know. You should’ve just told me you found yourself a band and was going to do a debut performance. I would’ve gone just for that.” He ruffled Baekhyun’s slightly stiff, hairsprayed hair. Baekhyun gave him his bright smile. “It was supposed to be a surprise. What fun would it be if I told you right away, right? Your expression was priceless!”

Kyungsoo frowned and placed his palm on Baekhyun’s face, pushing him away. “Shut up and go away.”
Baekhyun spluttered a bit before taking hold of Kyungsoo’s wrist and moving his palm away. His facial expression changed and his eyes glinted dangerously which made Kyungsoo’s stomach jump. He knew he was in deep shit once Baekhyun made that facial expression. “Speaking of expressions, I saw you eyeing someone from my band. I didn’t know Jongin fell into your category type.”

“Wh-what? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Kyungsoo paled and he felt his palms sweat. This topic wasn’t safe territory. Abandon ship!

“Oh quit faking, I saw you practically eye-fucking Jongin from where you were standing. You weren’t even listening to the songs anymore; you just stood there drooling at him like every fan girl here did. But at least they shrieked at the appropriate times. I am butt hurt you ignored me, your best friend of almost 7 years, to a hot guy.” Baekhyun pouted playfully and Kyungsoo shoved him away.

“I don’t know this Jongin you speak of and I did not drool. Plus I’m pretty sure you would’ve done that to me, not the other way around.”

“True that.”

“Hey, Baekhyun-hyung.” A low, velvety voice spoke from behind them and Kyungsoo felt the hairs on his neck stand. That was one attractive voice.

They both turned and Baekhyun smirked, while Kyungsoo tensed beside him.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh holy fucking shit-

“Hey Jongin! Right on time. I’d like you to meet someone. This is my socially awkward and totally available best friend, Kyungsoo.” He tapped his butt and pushed Kyungsoo forward, making him squawk indignantly.

“Soo, this is the drummer at the back you were eye fucking from before. His name is Jongin.”
Kyungsoo’s eyes widened comically and his face and neck were flushed from embarrassment. “The fuck, Baekhyun…” his tone was warning but his face betrayed any sign of an actual threat as he looked more constipated than murderous.

Jongin on the other hand was smirking, his eyes twinkling in amusement as he watched Baekhyun embarrass Kyungsoo further. He then decided to save Kyungsoo from turning any other shade of red by holding his left hand out to him for a shake, his smile friendly as he looked at him. “Pleasure to meet you, Kyungsoo.”

Kyungsoo glanced at his outstretched hand before taking it gingerly. He shook it firmly and returned the smile with a tight-lipped one. He was still internally freaking out and his palms was sweaty and sweet baby jesus Jongin’s hands are warm to the touch. Kyungsoo also noticed how pretty their skin colors contrasted: pale vanilla and warm mocha.

“Okay! Enough with the hand fucking, please get a room you two.” Baekhyun joked, but not without intent. The two broke their hand gripping and eye contact, Jongin slipping his hand back inside his leather jacket, and Kyungsoo letting his dangle at his sides, glaring at Baekhyun.

Baekhyun smiled his I-am-the-devils-incarnate-smile and shrugged, casually moving away when he spotted Chanyeol exiting the changing rooms.

“That rude fuck-“

Jongin then cleared his throat as they were left alone together. He successfully caught Kyungsoo’s attention and the latter turned to him with a curious stare.

“So, do you wanna Dance, Dance?”
After their band performed, the mini concert was over and the club converted itself immediately back into a dance club and club songs floated out of the stereos right away.

Kyungsoo narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest in an amused way. “Did you just use a Fall Out Boy song to ask me to dance?” He was acting confident on the outside but deep inside his internal organs was all melting into mushy innards.

Jongin gave a small smile. “I tried. You seem like a huge fan.” He glanced down at his own shirt, which made Kyungsoo look down on his. The latter blushed and cleared his throat. “Well, yeah I am. So you better try better than that.”
Jongin chuckled, and the ringing sound was music to Kyungsoo’s ears. Jongin looked much cuter and less sex predator when he laughed-all laugh lines and eyesmiles. Kyungsoo felt his heart beat sync itself with Jongin’s chuckles immediately. He was still so, so screwed.

“Alright then.”  Jongin crossed his own arms over his chest and thought for a while. “You’re my America’s Suiteheart?”
Kyungsoo laughed out loud at that. All crescent eyes and teeth and gums and loud, boisterous guffawing. “What the hell, Jongin? That didn’t even make any sense. Plus I’m obviously Korean, not American!”

Jongin grinned, obviously pleased with Kyungsoo’s reaction. “But I made you smile, did I?”

Kyungsoo felt a blush spread on his cheeks. “Yeah, you did.”

A comfortable silence spread over them and then Jongin broke it by speaking up again. “Can I…can I have your number, Kyungsoo? You know, for when we have gigs and I can invite you to come since you’re such a big fan of Fall Out Boy and all that.”

Jongin was chattering away and Kyungsoo could feel he was nervous too. He smiled and nodded, laying his palm in front of him face up to ask for his phone. While typing in his number they both willingly ignored the fact that Baekhyun could do that for him, and accepted this as an excuse to get each other’s numbers.

After exchanging numbers, phones, and possibly attractions, their small bubble of flirting popped when someone from the back screamed “Go home and fuck, it’ll lessen the sexual tension you little shits! We could feel it all the way over here!”

Jongin and Kyungsoo turned around at the sound then chuckled, shaking their heads then turned to each other at the same time, locking gazes. They smiled and they both knew this-whatever this was between them, would go somewhere.
Kyungsoo grew bold and stepped forward, reaching for Jongin’s hand and squeezed it. Jongin squeezed back.

“I fucking said to go home!”

Oh they would. And then soon, very soon, they would be Alone Together.

(…if you know what I mean.)

a/n: my fall out boy fangirl feels are showing. I’ve wanted to write this for sooooooooooo long and yeay, here it is!! Sorry if it’s a bit messy. This is unedited and I only wrote this for like an hour, so. Enjoy! Comment and subscribe, upvote maybe? I appreciate comments more tho, so. Heh. Tell me your thoughts! <3
p.s yes those words starting with capital letters are songs by Fall Out Boy. I LOVE YOU PATRICK STUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

exo, band!au, humor, fluff, baekhyun/chanyeol, kaisoo, kai/d.o, pg-13

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